
Tag Alias: veiny_penis -> veins

Posted under General

Aliasing veiny_penis -> veins.

Reason: I initiated (or appeared to have initiated) a veiny_breasts tag, and this was changed to the existing tag veins. Makes sense to me - would it make sense to alias veiny_penis to veins as well (while implicating to penis)?

One would be able to search for "veins penis" fairly easily, I imagine.


I disagree. Vein should be kept as an umbrella tag, because they can also be seen when someone is angry or straining their muscles. We wouldn't want every post of an angry person to have a penis tag.

Could do an implicating of veiny_penis and anger_vein -> veins.

Can't do anger vein to veins for the same reasons we can't do it to anger.

rantuyetmai said:
We wouldn't want every post of an angry person to have a penis tag.


rantuyetmai said:
You could do a little more elaborate.

He was saying that...oh god why do I have to explain this?

Veiny penis implicates penis
Veiny penis implicates veins

Veins do not implicate penis. That would be idiotic.

Could be a misunderstanding, but he clearly asked to alias veiny penis to veins, not implicating.

And yes, I disagree because that'd be stupid.

Well this was obviously meant to be an implication. veiny_penis -> veins implication makes sense. Done.

Main downside is that most of the veins tag is penises now, but it's not like we'd use veins for much else but anger_vein and you can just search that directly.

Hmmmm. Ooops. Uhhhhh. Okay.

Well, now, there is still the lingering question (in my mind) of whether veiny_breasts is still a valid tag, such as at post #766676. As I stated in the original post, I put that there and someone corrected it to say just veins.

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