
can i start translating pools into another language?

Posted under General

i really suck at editing and the note system of danbooru is very usefull to make translations without damaging the Raws so i thought to myself:

why i don't create translations into spanish?

besides the english and japanese comunity, the most numerous fanon Touhou is the Spanish-speaker so it would be very usefull if you let me start this...

Updated by sgcdonmai

The problem is getting two different translations on an image without one overlapping the other.

Besides, danbooru is mainly an English speaking site, so I don't think translations into other languages would be tolerated.

For the time being don't do this, but I believe danbooru 2 had interest in a multilingual danbooru where you can translate images into multiple languages with a toggle or something.

i don't mean getting two translations in the same pool, i intend simply to creat new pools with the already existing doujins (uploading then once more)... they may have in the name of the pool SPA or something like that and also a new tag for the spanish translated pictures...

and Ars, don't tbe so sure most of the people who visit this site is from the USA or Britain... Internet has as "official" language the english but a lot of non-english speakers visit this website and a lot more would do it but they simply doesn't have the english level to read and understand perfectly.

Ars didn't mean that the userbase is mainly English, he meant that Danbooru is an English speaking site by intent.

OskarVanBruce said:
and Ars, don't tbe so sure most of the people who visit this site is from the USA or Britain... Internet has as "official" language the english but a lot of non-english speakers visit this website and a lot more would do it but they simply doesn't have the english level to read and understand perfectly.

I think I worded my response wrong. Let me clarify: danbooru does not deal with translating stuff into any language other than English. We accept translations of the source material into English only.

Besides, isn't Danbooru mainly a site for viewing and sharing good art? Uploading a copy of a doujin(which is not necessarily approved of) let alone multiple for the purposes of translating does not help this and would add clutter and duplicate copies to the already massive image database as well as tags for different languages.


Log said:
I believe danbooru 2 had interest in a multilingual danbooru where you can translate images into multiple languages with a toggle or something.

It was one of the suggestions in the thread (and one that I would really like to see implemented), but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting.

That said, depending on your interest level in this project, it wouldn't be too terribly hard to set up a Danbooru fork and translate images there instead.

I only brought it up because it was one of the features albert had noted as something he was trying to accommodate rather than just something suggested and subsequently ignored, I wouldn't have bothered if that had(n't) been the case.

Log said:
I only brought it up because it was one of the features albert had noted as something he was trying to accommodate rather than just something suggested and subsequently ignored, I wouldn't have bothered if that had(n't) been the case.

Really? That's awesome if true, but I assumed since it wasn't in forum #37114, it had fallen by the wayside.

Bapabooiee said:
... or, something non Gabe Newell-related, Soon ™.

Looks like it's been a while since Danbooru 2 has had any work done on it.

Isn't that the Danbooru 1 codebase?

glasnost said:
Isn't that the Danbooru 1 codebase?

That'd be the code/commits for the Danbooru 2 rewrite. The current Danbooru's codebase is available on Donmai's local Trac.


Let me just chime in to say that if, by any chance, Danbooru was ever to allow translations into anything other than English, those translations had better come straight from the original Japanese text and not the English translation thereof.

What Soljashy said. nth-generation retranslations are a bad, bad thing.

Oskar, don't let this discourage you - it's just that, at the moment, going with your suggestion would be pretty impractical for Danbooru. Uploading duplicates of pictures that already exist on the site wouldn't be a good idea, either.

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