
Tag discussion: assorted new and proposed tags

Posted under General

A couple new tags that I've started using (semi-)recently:

Another one that I have been giving serious thought to starting, but thought I should ask for feedback on first:

Updated by juunigatsu no usagi

I definitely support the first one in some form. I had thought we had some tag for breaking the 4th wall, but I can't find it. I remember recently seeing a pool along these lines, and thought to myself that the concept would make a good tag.

afterglow might be a bit iffy since it's not as easy to define visually, but I don't have a problem with it.

The others are fine too in my book.

I also thought we already had a pov_eye_contact type tag, but maybe I just thought it was a good idea and then forgot about it. Anyway I support that one the most, but I have nothing against the other ones really.

Except, spoken heart I'm not so sure about. Could you explain why you would want to find that? I know we don't have a real concept of overtagging here, but I just can't imagine anybody making use of that tag to search for anything.

jjj14 said:
I think this sort of thing could be covered by the speech bubble tag... try a speech_bubble heart search, for example, and it's almost all spoken hearts.

Except that that tag doesn't seem to be well populated at all - in fact, I don't think I can recall ever seeing it before. While it does sound like it could be more useful in general, just think about how many posts with speech bubbles there are that would need to be so tagged.

CountPacula said:
Except that that tag doesn't seem to be well populated at all - in fact, I don't think I can recall ever seeing it before. While it does sound like it could be more useful in general, just think about how many posts with speech bubbles there are that would need to be so tagged.

That, and speech isn't always enclosed in bubbles.

CountPacula said: * pov eye contact - Where someone is making intimate eye_contact with the person from whose point-of-view a pov image is being seen from. (post #468452)

Okay I guess.

While I'm not so big on all the [color]_[thing] tags, we already have black_wedding_dress it seems. Maybe just dark_wedding_dress? Unless we're including traditional Japanese wedding clothes too.

Makes sense.

Apparently this tag is at least 14 months old so I guess it's already in use.

Mmmm... Is there something else we could use? text_heart or something? I can see this appearing in an image but not necessarily in speech, like on a letter someone is reading or something like that or on a cell phone text.

I support this idea (having myself made blush_bubble quite recently - couldn't remember of speech_bubble at the time), however I wonder if having a specific tag for all of these wouldn't lead to some overtagging on particularly expressive or long comics. And at the same time I feel like speech_bubble could become a pretty large tag if well known, and make it uneasy to look for a specific figure then. The latter is probably worse than the former I guess.


CountPacula said:
pov eye contact - Where someone is making intimate eye_contact with the person from whose point-of-view a pov image is being seen from. (post #468452)

This got me thinking—why don't we have a general looking_at_viewer kind of tag in the first place (well there is now, albeit fairly recent)? It's widely used on some other imageboards, and it seemed so obvious as a tag that I ended up thinking not having it here could only be intentional.
I tend to use stare (or more rarely glaring) for this when it matches enough with the tag's purpose, but having the looking_at_viewer type made official would widen the use.
Though I really hate the concept of viewer and wish it wasn't included in the name, it's definitely an intuitive tag name to search for (but providing we want this, if someone can come up with a more technical term I'm all for it).

It would only make sense if the viewpoint of the audience was through a camera, so looking_at_viewer is the best term to use.

Anelaid said:
It would only make sense if the viewpoint of the audience was through a camera, so looking_at_viewer is the best term to use.

Using the "camera lens" as a metaphor for any image at all, whether the photography is real, imagined, or neither, is so old and pervasive that I can't agree with you on this point.

However, I would go with looking at viewer, for simplicity and descriptiveness.

Anelaid said:
It would only make sense if the viewpoint of the audience was through a camera, so looking_at_viewer is the best term to use.

Using 'camera' in a metaphorical sense for any image is pretty standard in a lot of areas. One might be able to argue that looking_at_viewer could equally imply the presence of an actual viewer in the scene - i.e., the image is pov. Not that I necessarily agree that looking_at_camera is better - I only suggested it as another alternative to consider. The most 'proper' term might be "fourth wall", as in looking_at_fourth_wall, but that's probably too jargon-ish to work in practice.

Personally, I'm leaning slightly toward looking_at_viewer, if for no other reason that it's already being used a little bit.

I support all the ideas except afterglow which I'm iffy about. How do we know its an afterglow from sex? It could be cuddling. After_sex is easier to identify because of the ejaculate, but something like afterglow is debatable.

Action_Kamen said:
I support all the ideas except afterglow which I'm iffy about. How do we know its an afterglow from sex? It could be cuddling. After_sex is easier to identify because of the ejaculate, but something like afterglow is debatable.

I agree that afterglow is a bit subjective, but it's no worse than, say, orgasm. My rule for using both is pretty much the same - if it seems likely, tag it. In practice, for both of these tags, it's the appearance that counts. If I see a post where a woman is clenching at the bedsheets with her eyes tightly shut and her mouth open as if screaming, I'm going to slap an orgasm tag on it - even if I know from playing the game that she doesn't actually come until a couple screens later.

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