
Eyecatches and endcards

Posted under General

I notice that "endcards" are tagged as eyecatch, and even though the general tags (endcard and alternatively end_card) have been created before, they must have been removed since they are no longer in use. Are we just going to count an endcard as an "eyecatch" (in which case, aliases are needed) or do we make a distinction?

Updated by jxh2154

I'd say it's still an eyecatch, it tells you that the episode is over rather than leaving for/returning from a commercial but it's still an eyecatch.

I think it was my comment from that thread (forum #95355) on how an "end card," at least from what I've seen, is a "guest artist of the week" while an "eyecatch" is done by the same people doing the animation.

Alright well I did
remove alias endcard -> eyecatch
remove alias end_card -> eyecatch
create alias endcard -> end_card

But someone will need to clean up eyecatch now.

updated the wikis and referenced this thread. i added some posts to end_card based on memory (and some clues?). i'll leave some unfamiliar eyecatch untouched. hopefully somebody would check on it. thanks.

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