
Danbooru 2 Beta

Posted under General

There are probably several pieces that are still missing but I'm going to open up Danbooru 2 for public testing anyway.

You can visit it here: http://testbooru.donmai.us

It's a completely new database so you'll have to create a new account.

AFAIK everything is there, I just need help testing to make sure nothing is broken or I didn't forget an important component of the current site.

The entire Danbooru 2 project is hosted on Github: https://github.com/r888888888/danbooru

If you're interested, you can fork the project and submit pull requests. I'm not interested in major changes at this point: I just want something I can deploy and migrate to ASAP.

Of particular interest in the new INSTALL.debian script https://github.com/r888888888/danbooru/blob/master/INSTALL.debian which I've tested on a VM. I know everything up to the cap deploy works correctly.

Issues should be reported on Github: https://github.com/r888888888/danbooru/issues?sort=created&direction=desc&state=open

Updated by Alignn

DOCoSPADEo said:
I hate to ask, but what is a pull request?

I'm going by "common sense" from other stuff I know here (rather than directly knowing), but I believe "fork the project" refers to starting up a new branch of Danbooru development, with "pull requests" meaning a request to copy over Danbooru's code changes. I think.

The theme-changing Greasemonkey script I have makes it look kinda wonky...but that's to be expected. :P

after i logged out, i can't log in again. it tells me password was incorrect. though i'm sure it isn't i tried to reset password. however the reset password link tells "something went wrong" too after i click the submit button.

ghostrigger said:
after i logged out, i can't log in again. it tells me password was incorrect. though i'm sure it isn't i tried to reset password. however the reset password link tells "something went wrong" too after i click the submit button.

I'm able to log on and off.

OOZ662 said:
I'm going by "common sense" from other stuff I know here (rather than directly knowing), but I believe "fork the project" refers to starting up a new branch of Danbooru development, with "pull requests" meaning a request to copy over Danbooru's code changes. I think.

The theme-changing Greasemonkey script I have makes it look kinda wonky...but that's to be expected. :P

Ok, correct me if I'm wrong, but would an example of a pull request be something like copying an entire account and moving it to the new site?

Fork and pull request is for people who want to contribute code. You fork the project, make your changes, and ask me to pull and merge your changes into the main codebase.

The font changing thing (< >these things</>) in the annotations doesn't seem to be working.
EDIT: Oops, that's been acknowledged already.

Posted a few observations regarding the post function and pool functions (what seems to be broken) on github. Hope I am in the ballpark for what you are looking for.

BTW grats of DB2.

Font seems 2 ctrl-+'s bigger than here, is that by design?
EDIT: I should probably say that I'm using Opera.


albert said:
I will eventually migrate this entire site to Danbooru 2 once I'm satisfied with stability.

Ah, that's all I was really worried about.

But I made another account on Danbooru 2 with the same name, could you delete that or will my current account overwrite that one?

BTW I love the ability to change your username though it is a bit confusing at first.

Speaking of which, any plan to potentially clean up any of the old or effectively dead usernames in the database?

ie a username someone made 3 years ago but which has not be used in 2 years?

I'm pretty sure the existing usernames will be ported to Danbooru 2 once it becomes time for launch. Testbooru is just an independant platform for testing. That's the only reason for the need for re-registration.

Michael_Fesser said:
BTW I love the ability to change your username though it is a bit confusing at first.

Speaking of which, any plan to potentially clean up any of the old or effectively dead usernames in the database?

ie a username someone made 3 years ago but which has not be used in 2 years?

Actually I would like this as well. On Danbooru 2, I made a few accounts to reserve the names I really wanted. But seeing as this site will overwrite and become Danbooru 2, I think it'd be appropriate to delete inactive names.

I'm interested in what becomes of the accounts and usernames as well. I for one would like to go under a new, preferred username, since I decided to be a regular member and contribute to Danbooru. Testing the site and seeing if there's any trouble or improve-worthy places, nothing so far.

p.s.) Is there a plan to add the code to enable users to strike out words in comments?

edit) Oops. Didn't see the link for feedbacks. Sorry that I've been just writing comments on the new Testbooru.