
Pointless Wikis

Posted under General

description: "."

Keep watch over user comecomeco
He just created his account and already made this wiki and removed the artist tag and source from post #680911 just a few minutes ago. Possibly a vandal.

S1eth said:
description: "."

Keep watch over user comecomeco
He just created his account and already made this wiki and removed the artist tag and source from post #680911 just a few minutes ago. Possibly a vandal.

I've restored this artist entry and made a bit change on it at the artist's request.

I'm sorry, I've gone too far...again.

EDIT: The artist's works were deleted due to her request.


I don't fully understand.
comecomeco changed the name of suiiro's artist entry to ".." (and deleted all information in the entry), which automatically created the wiki with the title ".."?
And comecomeco is the artist herself?

If I try to access http://kemono.cc/azure/ , I get 403 Forbidden

That's not grounds for doing an end-run around the discussion here until that thread is complete.

BCI_Temp said:
Huh. You think there'd be some posts under that. Oh well...

Someone nuked it. (by removing one post)

I refilled it with a few posts.


On second thought, I just list the posts here, so you'll decide what to do:

