
Tag Aliases: new_knight -> cygnus_(sword_girls)

Posted under General

The "New Knight" character in the Sword Girls CCG recently received a card where she is named as "Crux Knight Cygnus." Perhaps the tag should be Cygnus_(sword_girls) and alias the old New_Knight tag to that?

Updated by jxh2154

LTalon said:
The "New Knight" character in the Sword Girls CCG recently received a card where she is named as "Crux Knight Cygnus." Perhaps the tag should be Cygnus_(sword_girls) and alias the old New_Knight tag to that?

can we have a reference to this new card?

I have dug into my known SG CCG resources and have found nothing so far.

Maybe they were not updated yet.

For just a dozen images and a kinda vaguely-named tag, I'd suggest just editing the tags over manually.

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