
armpit tag

Posted under General

i've stubled over post #266656 and wondered if there were more pics on topic so i did a tag search and came across "armpit_sex" which has IIRC 11 entries. i wasn't sure if that was all there was on the topic, so i did a joint search of "armpits" and "cum" and came across pictures of the similar catagory. so i was wondering should all the pictures with cum under the armpits be tagged as "armpit_sex" or should there be a new tag in the case of post #251960 where the is no penis to implicate that sex occurred under the armpits and could have just been the setting of ejaculation.

Updated by memegui

Since all the current images with armpit_sex have a penis present, I'd go with that it is one of the defining characteristics of the tag.

Personally for me I'd label something armpit_sex only if the penis was stuck in the armpit in someway.

If it is just cum on the armpits you could go with a tag like "cum_on_armpits" or something. IMO one of the advantages of a tag like that is that you can also use it in conjunction with armpit_sex, since not all armpit_sex images have cum on the armpits. It would be kind of like how not all paizuri images have cum_on_breasts.

Objectively, armpit_sex is post #223130 or any other where the armpit is grappled around a penis in a 'masturbative' manner. Like a blowjob, the active party isn't necessarily the woman: post #266883.

That being said, I'm all for a wider proliferation of "cum_on_..." and "cum_in_..." tags like cum_on_ass (not in), cum_on_belly, cum_on_leg or thigh, cum_on_back, cum_on_armpit, cum_on_hands, cum_on_neck, etc.

As it stands, these kinds of tags are crimminally underused.


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