
Artist tagging help

Posted under General

lxs said: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=327123
Both Taro and Tenchu are used, and there's no website to check either

taro_(tenchu) in that case. display_name_(url_name) is a common way to disambiguate pixiv artists.

cleartailcat said: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2250934
A chinese artist on pixiv. Nickname ヤマネコ. There is reference to a ヤマネコ on the linked website (http://hi.baidu.com/bunny_chatu/profile) so I'm tempted to tag it that way.

Display nick on pixiv seems to be "neyti" now, so
neyti_(yamaneko) might be okay.

She sure doesn't seem to be particular about it, listing 4 possibilities on her webpage. "Author:茶兔、三猫、Neyti、ヤマネコ。" So let's go with what is convenient for us.

And jjj.... guess yu hit the jackpot of artists with names that aren't coming up easily in rikaichan. I don't think I can be much help here because all I can do is what you can probably do, look at possible readings (family names for each have 1 or more possibilities, but nothing comes up for the given names) and piece together a reasonable sounding name. Like, I guess 吉村壽矩 could be yoshimura_kazunori. But Kazunori is a complete guess based on possible readings of 壽 and 矩 and taking one that sounds like a real name I've heard a bunch of times.

theadonicus said:

According to the profile page in their home page, they are two different artists.

白蛛 (White Spider, "Baak jue"?): Male artist. another name: "Hong"
黑蛛 (Black Spider, "Hak jue"?): Female artist. another name: 玲奈 ("Reina" or "Ling noi"?)