
Artist tagging help

Posted under General

rantuyetmai said:
たぬき庵 = tanuki_an. A doujin circle of 2 artist 零時 (main artist) and 相方 (outline, draft). Since they always work together it's fine to tag as such.

Thank you tag has been added.

I got some slot and found a few more artists


name on pixiv なべA@不安だらけの原稿作業


name on pixiv くろいぬ@大⑨州乙でした


name on pixiv であくろ


name on pixiv 咲宮 九

Krugger said:

nabe_(walkingnabeneko). I chose this qualifier because people can find her site with it.


kago_sumi. Full name in URL.


であくろ = deakuro. Pixiv username and site URL.


咲宮 九 = sakukyuu_kyuu. Best guess, since her twitter is 'saku_koko', indicated 宮 and 九 have the same reading.

HNTI said:

はちみっくす = hachimikks. It's in her URL too.


はちみっくす = hachimikks. It's in her URL too.

Sometimes it's their circle's name, not their nick. Anyway, thanks.


rantuyetmai said:
咲宮 九 = sakukyuu_kyuu. Best guess, since her twitter is 'saku_koko', indicated 宮 and 九 have the same reading.

miya is a far more common reading for 宮 in family names.

Considering the Twitter handle, I'd render this as sakumiya koko.

HNTI said:
Sometimes it's their circle's name, not their nick.

I just want to state where I get the names, no offense.

sgcdonmai said:
miya is a far more common reading for 宮 in family names. Considering the Twitter handle, I'd render this as sakumiya koko.

Since I have no idea with this one, I'll lay it off. But look like Herrmobel has already uploaded her art since 1 year ago under saku koko, he didn't make an artist entry for her though.
And you can google for her with 'saku_koko', which is a plus :)

This is an artist tagging help thread, shouldn't the ones to be asked are those whose pictures had been posted?

rantuyetmai said:
This is an artist tagging help thread, shouldn't the ones to be asked are those whose pictures had been posted?

These are the home pages of the artist for pic that i uploaded and found no match with the "find artist", should I upload the actual page of the image instead?

Nah, just want to confirm, since it'd be pointless to find the name of artists whose never appear on the site.

It's best to assume that anyone asking for artist help has been or will be uploaded shortly after being given a name.

Krugger said: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=187382
name on pixiv is sek

Damn artists with no homepage, really short names and no helpful pixiv url account name... I guess sek is okay but it's so short and simple (but not a normal combination of Japanese syllables, at least). that or sek_(sek) which is kinda... eh.

name on pixiv is いちがそ

ichigaso with the qualifier being... whatever 無憑状態 would be. something_joutai. I'm not getting a reading on the first two kanji in combination.

I guess if you tke the onyomi reading for both parts it'd be ichigaso_(muhyou_joutai).
