
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

Pool deactivation does nothing.
Pools can no longer be deleted.
This thread serves no purpose.

I'm locking it until albert sorts out this mess, until then you can keep a text document on your desktops with lists of pools to be handled.

pool #4183 - Based
pool #5366 - tag panic
pool #5344 - DKN - Kin○ku Buster (botomu)
pool #5343 - Touhou - Test Pool
pool #5304 - Neko Musume Michikusa Nikki - Volume 7 release celebration
pool #5286 - Touhou - Kill Geppu -Complete- (Doujin) (imizu (unknown))
pool #5269 - Intron Depot 1
pool #5267 - Touhou - 千のまたたき わかつ世界 (meeko)
pool #5245 - heartwarming
pool #5240 - missleading thumbnails
pool #5232 - persona 4 - p4 official artbook
pool #5217 - The most unlikely cosplays
pool #5231 - perfect eyes.
pool #5227 - Sexy
pool #5224 - Interesting Colors
pool #5220 - Needs More Love
pool #5215 - Pokemon - Natsume's Change by Akira (Natsumemo)

Those are all empty/auto generated pools

pool #5334 - Moketto
Two page comic, they should just be parent/child
pool #5244 - Touhou - Cat And Mouse (ichimi)
Two page comic
pool #5301 - Alice & Marisa
No particular order to these images, no need for a pool even if they have the same title in pixiv.

I notice there's a pool with no title and no posts, somewhere down the list here, but can't really select it without a name... Search using post #1122554

This covers the majority of pools that have been created since the last update... Phew. Incidentally, what causes auto-generated pools?

Auto-generated pools are created when someone tags an image with "pool:pool_name_here" and a pool with that exact title doesn't already exist.

pool #5269 only has one image, but that one image has 30+ different child posts. I'm not familiar with what's in Intron Depot 1, but if those child posts are all from that collection, then this pool might have reason to exist.

I went ahead and deleted the empty/auto generated pools (except for the one above, pool #5269) and the other pools mentioned.


  • pool #5334: is actually a 4 page comic, so I added the missing two pages, corrected the ordering, but went ahead and parented images to the first page and deleted the pool (can undelete later if need be).
  • pool #5255: parented to first page and deleted pool.
  • pool #5301: deleted the pool. There wasn't a real theme or reason for the pool, as the Marisa and Alice posts don't share the same title and not all those that share the same title were included. The pool boiled down to rating:e Alice and Marisa images done by Llowoll.

pool #5367 delete me
pool #5352 delete me
pool #5286 Touhou - Kill Geppu -Complete- (Doujin) (imizu (unknown))
pool #5242 Touhou - 幽かな声(shiba itsuki)
pool #1773 Gensou Yakyoku Homage
pool #5139 persona 4 - official design book
pool #2093 Touhou - Gesuto Sanka Sasete Itadakimashita (sonson)
pool #5004 Hades Arc
pool #4972 animefication
pool #4824 one piece - imaginary story of crocodile
pool #4719 Fate/Stay Night - Holy Grail War Hopelessly Beyond Laughing(karuna)

reason: empty/automatically generated

pool #5283 - Touhou - Paper Cirno, as pool #5307 contains all of the images in the former pool as well as several images not in said pool.

Edit by 葉月:
Your formatting and phrasing suggested *two* pools that should be deleted. I fixed that, but please mind such things, as accidents happen.


S1eth said:
Can you no longer delete your own pools?

Currently only mods can delete pools. You can mark yours as inactive to hide it from the list.

No, I cannot mark my pool as inactive. It may say "Pool updated", but the next time I click on "Edit", the "Active" checkbox is still checked. The same applies to the "Public" flag.

Could you add a check for creation time so that you can delete your own accidentally created pools (typos when using the "pool:pool_name_here" syntax") within X hours/days?
And do the same for wikis.

EDIT: Also trac #1368


pool #5393 - Tennis twintails girl (shino (pixia))

I don't think this image sequence is large or varied enough to be pooled instead of simply parented.

pool #5271 - Touhou - Mages Guild of Gensokyo

Any picture depicting, as a group, at least three of the mages of Gensokyo; Kirisame Marisa, Alice Margatroid, Patchouli Knowledge, and Hijiri Byakuren. Bonus points for Mima.

Tag search pool.

RaisingK said:
pool #5271 - Touhou - Mages Guild of Gensokyo

Tag search pool.

forum #76114
a thread had been started about this pool, maybe we can discuss about it there, though i'd be in favor of either deletion or changing its purpose

RaisingK said:
pool #5271 - Touhou - Mages Guild of Gensokyo

Tag search pool.

Technically so are all the "gathering" pools.

Also it does seem to have a theme to it as opposed to a random or favorite set of characters.