
Tag Alias: nate_(pokemon) -> kyouhei_(pokemon); rosa_(pokemon) -> mei_(pokemon)

Posted under General

Their English names have been known for quite a while. Perhaps we should alias them like the others'?

(On a related note, why do we switch all the names over to Japanese but keep the copyright as "pokemon" instead of "pocket_monsters"? Shouldn't we be going full English or full Japanese?)

Updated by jxh2154

Similar to how the_legend_of_zelda isn't zelda_no_densetsu(?), Pokémon is somewhat grandfathered in that way. "Pokemon" has also been used in Japan, IIRC, at least for shorthand, and it takes up less space.

For the monsters themselves, many of their names are terribly generic (just look through the first generation's, like Coil and Freezer), and with 600+ to tag, it's easier to use the English-release names instead of adding another layer of conversion.

As for the human characters, I think we err to their original names to aid in consistency (I've seen at least two characters with the same name, and then the whole Blue/Green switchup).

T5J8F8 said:

On this note, would it come to bear if anyone went through the character tags without EN->JP aliases (see post #1309738 for some examples) and suggest them for characters with, what was it, 20 or 30 posts?

It seems you and I are the most interested people in making sure that the EN-JP aliases for Pokémon exist when needed. Perhaps we ourselves could simply continue checking for them and creating the respective alias requests for jhx to read.

It is relatively little work to do, really. Virtually all the aliases in question already exist, with maybe two new ones to be created every two months.


create alias nate_(pokemon) -> kyouhei_(pokemon)
create alias rosa_(pokemon) -> mei_(pokemon)

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