
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

MarUsca said:

First, the page count in search disappears above a certain number - I haven't yet figured exactly, but I haven't seen anything reaching 200.

The limit is actually 1000. I believe it is for performance reasons.

MarUsca said:

Secondly, the search keeps crashing on various queries like "multiple_girls solo", "gentags:1 -tagme"; some queries like simply "gentags:1" do not display the page count properly and sometimes crash out of the blue on certain pages.
And finally there are great problems with data search, because things keep outtiming if I search for anything posted more than in one or two months (very few queries are exceptions, but I can't figure out the principle).
All these things worked perfectly on Danbooru1 so I'm really upset. I hope this gets fixed at last if possible.

Agreed, these need to be fixed soon, if feasible.
Related: #672, #654, #714, #743, #581

MarUsca said:

Sorry to be so persistent, but my issues haven't been fixed yet so.
First, the page count in search disappears above a certain number - I haven't yet figured exactly, but I haven't seen anything reaching 200. This is really inconvenient, because I usually need to see how many pages are there.

Why do you need to know how many pages there are?

Secondly, the search keeps crashing on various queries like "multiple_girls solo", "gentags:1 -tagme"; some queries like simply "gentags:1" do not display the page count properly and sometimes crash out of the blue on certain pages.

There are some queries that are hard to search. "gentags:1 -tagme" is one of them because it matches so many posts. I don't believe gentags is indexed but I'm loathe to add more indexes to that table. I believe the issue with uploads timing out is caused by the number of indexes.

However, there are still some tags that are mysteriously failing, like "missing_image". When things quiet down I plan on upgrading the database version which should hopefully improve things. Failing that, I may need to upgrade the hardware.

Toks said:

I prefer it with just the colors and no +/-.

Well it was just my opinion (I like new strikethroughs more than preceding "-", by the way), plus there may be colorblind people among us.

Speaking of good ol' things, resize image to fit the screen feature (as opposed to new 850p-fixed resize) was awesome.
Also, I liked it when Danbooru main page was just a search box with stylized post count above it.

I suspect that these changes—being pretty major—were done for a reason and are unlikely to be reverted, though. But well... Just my two cents.

UPDATE: Also, I miss notifications of post being successfully added to favorites and such. Now I'm unsure whether a post was favorited or something broke. Checking it manually every time is a bother.


albert said:

Why do you need to know how many pages there are?

For mass tagging. I used to go to the last page and happily tag all the old posts, proceeding to the new. Now I have to refresh first pages, because things crash on page 100 or so. (Even when I refresh, at a certain point it crashes anyway)

albert said:

There are some queries that are hard to search. "gentags:1 -tagme" is one of them because it matches so many posts.

Actually at the moment "gentags:1 -tagme" matches 2 or 3 posts because I tagged them all on Danbooru 1. That's why I'm wondering what happened, since there are so few results.

albert said:

I'm honestly not sure what the best interface for pools is. There are far too many active pools now for the old select style menu to be viable. Maybe if the sorting were better? Which pools should appear first?

The pools used lately should be first. That said, I think the new pool interface is great as is, the searching works just fine.

For the people with problems, searching is not restricted, neither to two letters nor to only the first word of the title. The current description "Type the first two characters of a pool name" is misleading. I suggest changing this to "Search for a pool containing" to explain it better.

A button to open the pools page in a new tab for those who want the complete list would make it perfect.

D'Eye said:

Speaking of good ol' things, resize image to fit the screen feature (as opposed to new 850p-fixed resize) was awesome.

The feature still exists. Check your settings page.

Toks said:

The feature still exists. Check your settings page.

Now I see. Thanks a lot!

It's not the most intuitive thing, though (I've had to set Always resize images to "yes" and Default image size to "original").

Clicking the "all" link next to "recent changes" under the "wiki" section only displays a list of recently created wikis, not recently changed wikis. If you perform a wiki search and have them ordered by date, it'll display the list ordered by recent changes, which kind of surprised me as my initial expectation was ordering by date would order them by the date of their creation, so these two seemed kind of reversed. At least with the searches you might want to indicate it's ordered by date of last edit as opposed to just saying date.

Under user profiles there is a lack of a invite/promote link. There still remains invite links in the dashboard, but only to users who get put on those automatically generated lists there.

Going with what bigrich said here (forum #85924), would it be possible to make it a feature that could be turned on or off on whether clicking an image in the queue opens a new page or opens in the same page?

I find it much easier to tag posts when the tags brought up by "Related Tags" and such are alphabetized. Also it would be more convenient if the "favorite" and "recent" tags were already there from the getgo instead of not coming up until after you highlight a tag you already put up and then clicking one of the "related" buttons.

Anonymous9000 said:

Also it would be more convenient if the "favorite" and "recent" tags were already there from the getgo instead of not coming up until after you highlight a tag you already put up and then clicking one of the "related" buttons.

This already happens. The only time it doesn't is if you don't have any favorite/recent tags.

MarUsca said:

For mass tagging. I used to go to the last page and happily tag all the old posts, proceeding to the new. Now I have to refresh first pages, because things crash on page 100 or so. (Even when I refresh, at a certain point it crashes anyway)

Can you give an example of a search that starts failing around page 100 for you? The searches I've tried almost always work up to the max of page 1000 (except for the searches that don't work at all).

mikeman98 said:

this new design looks pretty weird tbh with ya.

I think you will need to be more specific about what you dislike.

Toks said:

Can you give an example of a search that starts failing around page 100 for you? The searches I've tried almost always work up to the max of page 1000 (except for the searches that don't work at all).

For instance "gantags:2 -tagme". Since I don't see how many pages there are I just put the page number into the address bar directly. Then I refresh and things fail. They also failed when I tried just going through the pages manually. I tried something else, but I can't remember.
Awww, and now "chartags:1 copyright_request" also fails...

MarUsca said:

I tried something else, but I can't remember.

Ah, the "touhou chartags:1 -1girl -1boy -comic" on page 100 or so. Just tried it, still fails.
Actually, it crashes on page 35.


Just wanted to give a positive comment; The scroll function is something I've wished for on Danbooru forever. Thanks for putting it in!

MarUsca said:

It looks like the tagcount metatags (copytags: chartags: arttags: gentags: and tagcount:) have much poorer performance when using a specific value than a range.

So for example, gentags:2 -tagme starts failing before page 100 for me, but gentags:1..3 -tagme works up to page 1000 (and beyond). Despite the fact that it presumably returns more results.

Similarly, touhou chartags:1 -1girl -1boy -comic fails before page 100, while touhou chartags:1..2 -1girl -1boy -comic works past page 1000.

Until the performance of these tags can be fixed, you might be able to work around the timeouts by using ranges.

Toks said:

Damn, I completely forgot about that range thing. That won't quite fit with what I want to do, but still is very useful. Thanks a lot, I'll try to figure something out now.

The new alias request form has me completely stumped.

Antecedent: That which logically precedes another.

Consequent: That which follows as a result or effect.

So the first tag is the one that gets "destroyed" and the second tag is the one that will stay around? "From" and "To" seemed much clearer.


Notes not appearing in mobile, prevents me from reading my fav doujins... well, in the browser in my 3ds that is, don't know about iphones though.