
Upgrade Account

Upgrading your account gives you exclusive benefits and helps support Danbooru. Your support helps keep the site ad-free for everyone!

You can also gift an account upgrade to someone else. Just go to their profile page and look for a "Gift Upgrade" link.

Basic Gold Platinum
Free $20
One time fee
One time fee
Tag Limit 2 6 12
See Hidden Tags No Yes Yes
Page Limit 1,000 2,000 5,000
Favorite Limit 10,000 20,000 Unlimited
Favorite Groups 3 5 10
Saved Searches 250 250 1,000
Search Timeout 3 sec 6 sec 9 sec

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Danbooru Gold?

Danbooru Gold lets you do more complicated searches, and it lets you see hidden tags that non-Gold users can't see. You can search more tags at once, browser deeper in search results, and also keep more favorites, favorite groups, and saved searches.

What are the benefits of Danbooru Platinum?

Platinum is like Gold, but it lets you search even more tags at once, and keep even more favorites, favorite groups, and saved searches.

What payment methods do you support?

We support all major credit and debit cards, including international cards. We also support bank payments in several European countries, including Austria, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland.

Payments are securely handled by Stripe. We don't support PayPal or Bitcoin at this time.

Is this a subscription?

No, this is not a subscription. This is a one-time payment. You pay only once and keep the upgrade forever.

If I upgrade to Gold first, can I upgrade to Platinum later?

Yes, if you have a Gold account, you can always upgrade to a Platinum account later. You don't have to pay full price to upgrade from Gold to Platinum. You only have to pay the difference.

What is your refund policy?

You can contact us to request a refund for any reason within 48 hours of your purchase.