


Vid-szhite said:

This guy way overused Marisa's "da ze" lol

Can't we get a better translation than that? It's getting extremely grating to see it everywhere, especially when it breaks the flow of her speech.

Elgato said:

Jesus, some people simply can't take a joke.

It's a shitty, forced joke, that's why they're getting downvoted.

slave2thedrago said:



I know there are some fanservice characters in this game. I’m all about fan service. Like ALL about it.

And I also know this dude has done prawns before.

But....but I mean...

This is like, a legit hentai doujin girl in my Xenoblade.

Knowing that the character design is made by Saitou Masatsugu, why would you expect otherwise?

I've seen this a lot recently, and I have to wonder - is "I tell ya" really the best translation for "da ze"? I understand there's no easy way to find an equivalent in English for these kind of particles, but in this case "I tell ya" doesn't sound fitting in this situation.

Are we assuming that TwoBirds is the double of OneBird here? Because I don't see how this system implies such other than by visual representation of the variables, which should have no mathematical weight.

NegativeSoul said:

Maybe someone should stop Junko before she goes off the deep end.

I think it's already too late for that.

bunkhead said:

But Sagu-tan ain't a birb! And the shut-in's missing too! This is grinding all of my OCD gears!

Sagume is sometimes represented with herons so I think it's fine to include her in the group.

You're right about Hatate, though. Without her it feels incomplete.