


Can this be a Seiyu Connection since they both share a Japanese voice actress?

Kissmyaxe said:

Did the original series ever get a conclusion? I thought it had just kind of petered out after awhile.

It did.

gonzomehum said:

Man, Nanashi really chilled out after all those NaruHina doujins.

Imagine if this was made pre that? Which would fit giving the characters.

MisterJuice said:

Aye. Gawain, Agravain, and Gaheris are their brothers. I think a good amount of images on this site are missing familial relation tags, mainly these characters. Also for example, if Gawain, Mordred, and Artoria were all in one picture, wouldn't it have the following tags: Siblings, Brother & Sister, Aunt & Nephew? Since Mordred is Artoria's only child, I think that makes her the aunt of Morgan's other children?

Yes. FGO confirms they are all related.

N_Face said:

poor Gudako now has to deal with another yandere....I wonder if shell join the my room trio.

Yeah, but Salome is more crazy.

Nerniply said:

That isn't Akari Tsujino, that's Akira Sunazuka. I don't know how to do character tags though...

Fixed character tag.