


And she was hit by Carriage-kun - the great great great great grandfather of Truck-kun - sending her into the world of her favorite trashy pulp novel aimed at horny ladies of high society.
The End!

Krugger said:

She has waited and its paid off it seems

It's about damn time Enty had a chance to be at her righteous place on top.

2434 said:
I like this picture so I decided to go check out the artists pixiv and wow, massive yikes. It's really bad and I suggest no one go there ever!!! It's got everything bad, from racist fetish art, to bestiality. Not sure how such an artist even made this.

Eh, it's not that bad. The bestiality is mostly his older stuff. One image with an unconvincing zombie dog (something about Dragon Quest III?) is pretty much the worst of it.

I find it funny how Asians are labeled "white people" when AND only when the narrative requires them to be.
When the narrative needs to decry them, they are "whites".
When the narrative needs their support, they are "a victimized minority".

Yaise is getting more and more creative with numbering the panels!
Pity they are not yet translated though.

IronFly said:

Yaise is getting more and more creative with numbering the panels!
Pity they are not yet translated though.

I see the 2, 3, and 4, but I don't really see the 1.

Its in the same corner, right?

Cort321 said:

I see the 2, 3, and 4, but I don't really see the 1.

Its in the same corner, right?

It's hidden as a crease in that skirt(?) that Reimu's holding, right under her hand.

Tapper said:

It's hidden as a crease in that skirt(?) that Reimu's holding, right under her hand.

... That's a skirt?

Also, that's tiny.

I'm not sure "relaxing" would be the term I'd use if I were in such a situation.

RuleCascadia said:

Feel free to make any corrections to my translation.

It's good and understandable, thanks for translation!