
Tag Implication: Plug/Zero Suit

Posted under General

Implicating zero_suit to plug_suit.

Reason: A couple recent Samus/Metroid posts tagged the Zero Suit as a plugsuit, and I think I've seen a non-EVA pic/s with that tag (prolly Nadia ones). They seem similar, but does it qualify?

Updated by memegui

I dunno, currently 586 of 592 plugsuit images are tagged with evangelion as well. It seems like it has a pretty specific usage. Is the term plugsuit used to any significant extent outside the Eva franchise? If it a generic term any show could use, or something Eva-specific within the technology/world of that series? It's been a long time since I watched Eva, but my impression is that it's the latter.

As far as I know, it's entirely EVA-specific. The name comes from the LCL plug, so it'd make little sense to use it outside of the franchise.

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