
[bulk] lots of food implications

Posted under Tags

create implication kiwifruit -> fruit
create implication nattou -> food
create implication vegetable -> food
create implication gyuudon -> food
create implication kebab -> food
create implication sashimi -> food
create implication sausage -> food
create implication tako-san_wiener -> food
create implication biscuit -> food
create implication toast -> food
create implication cracker -> food
create implication senbei -> cracker
create implication croissant -> food
create implication udon -> noodles
create implication pancake -> food
create implication stack_of_pancakes -> pancake
create implication fried_rice -> food
create implication waffle -> food
create implication butter -> food
create implication cheese -> food
create implication anpan -> food
create implication cheesecake -> food
create implication cupcake -> food
create implication mont_blanc_(food) -> food
create implication slice_of_cake -> cake
create implication strawberry_shortcake -> food
create implication swiss_roll -> cake
create implication candy -> food
create implication candy_apple -> food
create implication wafer -> food
create implication pocky -> food
create implication cotton_candy -> candy
create implication crepe -> food
create implication marshmallow -> food
create implication muffin -> food
create implication chocolate_cornet -> food
create implication cream_puff -> food
create implication macaron -> food
create implication pie -> food
create implication pudding -> food
create implication tart_(food) -> food
create implication kashiwa_mochi_(food) -> mochi
create implication chips -> food
create implication potato_chips -> chips
create implication popcorn -> food
create implication pretzel -> food
create implication umaibou -> food
create implication dumpling -> food
create implication french_fries -> food
create implication hot_dog -> sausage
create implication oden -> food
create implication sukiyaki -> food
create implication kamaboko -> food
create implication okonomiyaki -> food
create implication sandwich -> food
create implication takoyaki -> food
create implication takuan -> food
create implication tofu -> food
create implication mapo_doufu -> food
create implication flipping_food -> food
create implication popsicle -> food

Link to request

All food tags -> food or food tags -> thing that implies food.
Where there was doubt I didn't make an implication, or went for an implication where there was no doubt (eg. implying cheesecake to food rather than to cake)


Or maybe they just don't think of adding cake or assume the implication is already there. A cupcake is, by definition, a cake. I can change it to cupcake -> food if people really want to but personally I think bypassing the cake part to be absurd.

Created a page for sashimi.

Not created one for dumpling yet as the term dumpling covers such a variety of things that I'm not sure how to describe it. If I did create one it would just be copying the top part of the wikipedia entry. Anyone want to have a go at creating something better or shall I just do this?

kuuderes_shadow said:

Or maybe they just don't think of adding cake or assume the implication is already there. A cupcake is, by definition, a cake. I can change it to cupcake -> food if people really want to but personally I think bypassing the cake part to be absurd.

I would definitely not expect cupcakes to show up if I were searching for cake. Cupcakes may just technically be smaller cakes, however visually they are quite distinctive. Also if the implication cupcake -> cake goes through we lose the ability to search for pictures of just cupcakes without any other cake.

Blue_Trident said:

I would definitely not expect cupcakes to show up if I were searching for cake. Cupcakes may just technically be smaller cakes, however visually they are quite distinctive. Also if the implication cupcake -> cake goes through we lose the ability to search for pictures of just cupcakes without any other cake.

+1 for this.
For me, it's more conflicting between a muffin and a cupcake. Both are visually nearly identical. Ok, some has icing while the other don't, but if it weren't for that, I couldn't distinct these two.
And a cupcake is more distinct to a chocolate cake than to a chocolate muffin...

Changed cupcake -> cake to cupcake -> food on the request. The change isn't showing up on the first post of the thread, so should I edit that as well? I've never edited an update request before...

You have to edit both the update request and the forum post individually. The forum post is automatically generated when you create the request, but after that, the rest is up to you.

I tend to equate the US English word "candy" with the British English "sweets", and certainly wouldn't consider candy floss as such... Would Americans describe it as candy?

With regards senbei, that was one of the cases of putting it in at a level where I could be confident of the implication rather than one it likely fitted under but I couldn't be sure about. If people agree with senbei implying cracker then I would have no objections to changing the implication.

kuuderes_shadow said:

I tend to equate the US English word "candy" with the British English "sweets", and certainly wouldn't consider candy floss as such... Would Americans describe it as candy?

With regards senbei, that was one of the cases of putting it in at a level where I could be confident of the implication rather than one it likely fitted under but I couldn't be sure about. If people agree with senbei implying cracker then I would have no objections to changing the implication.

Senbei and other rice crackers are generally crackers, while cupcakes may not be cakes due to differences in baking methods and the like.

As for cotton candy, Merriam Webster defines cotton candy as "candy", so I guess that works.

kuuderes_shadow said:

Would Americans describe it as candy?

I would certainly call it closer to candy than food, since it's literally just spun sugar.

Gollgagh said:

I would certainly call it closer to candy than food, since it's literally just spun sugar.

Dictionaries describe it as a confection, aka "sweets" per our British friends. It's just a candy spun around a stick or come, versus one that's shaped into a lozenge or similar.

Well, I don't know what's used in english, but in german and french it's also used with "food" and "eating". And like OniTea said, this makes a lot of sense. Well, ok, it's more like sucking than actually eating it, but is that really a difference and that's also done with normal ice cream?
And what distinct an ice cube from an popsicle is the simple fact that an ice cube isn't used for eating/sucking/drinking...

You can do all those things with an ice cube, though, and some people do... Well it does look like I'm in a minority on this one, and part of the point of doing this like this was to get everything implicated in one go so I guess I'll add it to the proposal even though I disagree with it personally.

edit: done

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