
Tag implication: anal_fingering -> Anal

Posted under Tags

The tag implication #9213 anal_fingering -> anal has been rejected.

Reason: Wiki pages states anal as anything inserted into the butt, also the fingers. Alot of pics are tagged as anal fingering but not anal.

EDIT: This tag implication is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: This tag implication has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The tag implication anal_fingering -> anal (forum #157012) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Unbreakable said:

topic #10862

Oh, I´m sorry. Then try to tag it manually, where it´s missing.

Edit: Shouldn´t there be a tag for only rubbing the entrance of the anus? I though I have seen some tag like that anywhere?


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