
Loli/shota check thread.

Posted under General

kittey said:

“Tween” is 20+ and “child” is more like “looks below 12”?

Yeah, no (not to you).
If I understand this correctly then the suggestion to make the loli definition more ambiguous. That's not acceptable.
If someone wants to look at such images then there is also a petite tag, although it's not a tag that describes the character's "age" (unlike the loli tag).

kittey said:

post #3712711 - Currently rated safe. Two other users think it should be loli (and thus questionable).

Not only is it not loli, I don't think it should even be tagged child.

Also, it's worth mentioning that one of the users you mentioned has already been banned for sockpuppeting, and the other is a brand new account that likely belongs to the same person.

kittey said:

post #3712711 - Currently rated safe. Two other users think it should be loli (and thus questionable).

I agree with iridescent slime, should neither be tagged loli nor child imo.

Seems like user #723179 was adding these tags to a few posts yesterday but got a little carried away. Most of the edits seem pretty solid to me, but post #3150766 obviously shouldn't be loli, and tagging post #1744038 as shota is just bizarre (both the characters are female), and then there are a bunch of images that I'm not sure about. Any loli/shota experts want to double-check these posts and see if any edits need to be reverted?

iridescent_slime said:

Seems like user #723179 was adding these tags to a few posts yesterday but got a little carried away. Most of the edits seem pretty solid to me, but post #3150766 obviously shouldn't be loli, and tagging post #1744038 as shota is just bizarre (both the characters are female), and then there are a bunch of images that I'm not sure about. Any loli/shota experts want to double-check these posts and see if any edits need to be reverted?

Dont think we have a shota expert. Anyway it would be good if anyone who does check through such a list replies here when theyr done so others dont have to (yes I know Im three days late).