
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

keonas said:

Ok, i know why it was done, i get it, but i hate it.
I've always been one of the proponents for "if the commentary doesn't add anything to the image, we don't need it" just adds more work for translators and an extra, distracting layer above the user comments section.

Again, i get why it was done, if it was needed but... can we have some CSS to add it back if we want it?
The extra time to era/check if the comment is useful for shorter ones isn't adding that much time to each upload, but it stacks up.

There's no CSS to add it back. It would take a userscript. If someone wants to create a userscript for this, they're free to do so.

I know that some users don't care about commentaries. Well, sorry. There are too many uploaders who refuse to include commentaries, even when they're very important to the image. My belief is that everything should be saved with the image. The long term plan is to save all the metadata when the image is uploaded, including the tags, artist info, and commentary. So if you're skipping commentaries now, they will eventually be added back in the future, except for the ones that are lost forever because of artists deleting images, which is exactly why this data needs to be saved.

evazion said:

  • Removed the "include commentary" checkbox. Commentaries are now included by default. Clear the commentary box if you don't want to add a commentary.

This is gonna be annoying to deal with when uploading multiple images from the same source, tediously needing to clear out all the commentary from each child post.

keonas said:

Ok, i know why it was done, i get it, but i hate it.
I've always been one of the proponents for "if the commentary doesn't add anything to the image, we don't need it" just adds more work for translators and an extra, distracting layer above the user comments section.

Again, i get why it was done, if it was needed but... can we have some CSS to add it back if we want it?
The extra time to era/check if the comment is useful for shorter ones isn't adding that much time to each upload, but it stacks up.

Ars said:

This is gonna be annoying to deal with when uploading multiple images from the same source, tediously needing to clear out all the commentary from each child post.

I created a bookmarklet on forum #165015 which will remove the commentary inputs when desired. This is a lot better having to remove the commentary after uploading. For those wondering, there is no way to get the checkbox back. That input has been disabled and removed on the server, and it will reject any uploads that submit that as an input.

evazion said:

So if you're skipping commentaries now, they will eventually be added back in the future

While I don't mind the change that has been made in this update, I really don't like the idea of that. Sometimes commentary is skipped for good reason. There are a lot of pixiv commentaries that only relate to the first image or some of the images of a set, for example, which can be confusing or outright misleading if forceably added to every image in the set.

There's already enough of a problem with people adding pixiv tags to every image from a set rather than just the ones they relate to...


Ars said:

This is gonna be annoying to deal with when uploading multiple images from the same source, tediously needing to clear out all the commentary from each child post.

Or having to include commentary that is either redundant like having just the names of characters and copyrights when we have the tagging system for that or useless like art that is just titled "Untitled".

BrokenEagle98 said:

I created a bookmarklet on forum #165015 which will remove the commentary inputs when desired. This is a lot better having to remove the commentary after uploading. For those wondering, there is no way to get the checkbox back. That input has been disabled and removed on the server, and it will reject any uploads that submit that as an input.

What about a way to have the commentary boxes completely cleared no matter what is automatically put in them?

This is just gonna be an annoyance because the way I upload images doesn't fetch the commentary or tags when I paste the link half the time.

keonas said:

I've always been one of the proponents for "if the commentary doesn't add anything to the image, we don't need it" just adds more work for translators and an extra, distracting layer above the user comments section.

The extra time to era/check if the comment is useful for shorter ones isn't adding that much time to each upload, but it stacks up.

tapnek said:

Or having to include commentary that is either redundant like having just the names of characters and copyrights when we have the tagging system for that or useless like art that is just titled "Untitled".

So how do you guys decide if the artist comment has useful information or just names or other stuff that doesn’t add much to the image? Do you translate every comment before including it or do you just skip all short comments to save a few seconds during uploading?

There's no harm in adding commentary. It doesn't bother the uploader (because the decision isn't yours anymore) and most uploads need to be tagged up after upload anyway.
So, the question isn't if you should upload with commentary but rather if you should add the commentary/commentary request tag.
If it's only the character name (for example), then I don't really see the point of adding the commentary as it doesn't offer additional information. Neither do artist links. But the commentary alone doesn't water down the commentary related metatags.

kittey said:

So how do you guys decide if the artist comment has useful information or just names or other stuff that doesn’t add much to the image? Do you translate every comment before including it or do you just skip all short comments to save a few seconds during uploading?

The main reason I add commentaries is when I have little to no clue as to what's going on in the image and hope the commentary would add context or an explanation. That's like half the time these days. Other times, I can tell if the commentary is redundant or useless without machine translations.

But then I get commentary that describes an entire set of reposted images on Twitter and the context behind that gets lost unless I upload or link the rest of the images in the commentary, which I think is dumb.

Renaming an artist doesn't work if the artist has an attached wiki, even if the wiki is blank and deleted.

What appears to be happening is:

  • procedure renames the artist entry
  • procedure checks if the artist entry has an attached wiki
  • if it does not, procedure completes.
  • if it does, procedure looks for the wiki page with the new name.
  • Since renaming the artist does not rename the wiki page, in general the procedure will fail to find a match
  • When the search fails, the entire procedure fails and the artist name is rolled back.

I have found a workaround, but it is a bit of a pain. Essentially you have to create a duplicate wiki page prior to renaming:

  • create a new tag (of any category) with the name you want to rename the artist to.
  • create a wiki for the tag
  • Copy the wiki text from the artist wiki page to the new wiki page. If the artist wiki page is deleted and blank, then you have to enter random dummy text.
  • Rename the artist. Since a wiki page with the new name already exists, it succeeds. This will also make the tag an artist tag.
  • If the old artist wiki page was not deleted and blank, clear and delete the old one.
  • If the old artist wiki page was deleted and blank, clear and delete the new one you just made.

In many cases, you're forced to create a new useless wiki page, which then persists forever since delete doesn't really delete.

Arcana55 said:

Renaming an artist doesn't work if the artist has an attached wiki, even if the wiki is blank and deleted.

What appears to be happening is:

  • procedure renames the artist entry
  • procedure checks if the artist entry has an attached wiki
  • if it does not, procedure completes.
  • if it does, procedure looks for the wiki page with the new name.
  • Since renaming the artist does not rename the wiki page, in general the procedure will fail to find a match
  • When the search fails, the entire procedure fails and the artist name is rolled back.

I have found a workaround, but it is a bit of a pain. Essentially you have to create a duplicate wiki page prior to renaming:

  • create a new tag (of any category) with the name you want to rename the artist to.
  • create a wiki for the tag
  • Copy the wiki text from the artist wiki page to the new wiki page. If the artist wiki page is deleted and blank, then you have to enter random dummy text.
  • Rename the artist. Since a wiki page with the new name already exists, it succeeds. This will also make the tag an artist tag.
  • If the old artist wiki page was not deleted and blank, clear and delete the old one.
  • If the old artist wiki page was deleted and blank, clear and delete the new one you just made.

In many cases, you're forced to create a new useless wiki page, which then persists forever since delete doesn't really delete.

I submitted a fix a few weeks ago with issue #4344 which fixes that.

BrokenEagle98 said:

No, let's not. Many commentaries are English Commentary or Symbol Commentary.

Yeah, I guess that's a bad idea after all. Perhaps there should be an error or at least be a warning when the uploader forgets commentary tags?

While looking things up I found out that I can search by any commentary and (lack of) specific tags, but that doesn't help much - there's over 50k un-commentary-tagged posts, and no way to mass-tag them since it's not a /posts query.
Any ideas how to deal with that?

Edit: artcomm:* -commentary_request -commentary seems to get the job done

worldendDominator said:

Yeah, I guess that's a bad idea after all. Perhaps there should be an error or at least be a warning when the uploader forgets commentary tags?

While looking things up I found out that I can search by any commentary and (lack of) specific tags, but that doesn't help much - there's over 50k un-commentary-tagged posts, and no way to mass-tag them since it's not a /posts query.
Any ideas how to deal with that?

There should probably be a way to metasearch for commentaries, something like "commentary:none" and "commentary:any". Edit: opened issue #4406

What an obscure name. It should probably be renamed to commentary:. Also it seems artcomm:none doesn't work.

Edit: it seems artcomm: is used to search for commentary by user, not by post. It'd still be much more useful to have an actual commentary: tag.


If you want to find any post with an artist commentary, there's /artist_commentaries?commit=Search&search%5Bis_deleted%5D=no

If you want any with no translated version, there's /artist_commentaries?commit=Search&search%5Bis_deleted%5D=no&search%5Btranslated_present%5D=no

If you want any with no translated version and where neither commentary_request nor commentary is present then that's /artist_commentaries?commit=Search&search%5Bis_deleted%5D=no&search%5Bpost_tags_match%5D=-commentary_request+-commentary

All this is doable from the search artist commentary page.

The resulting page can be tag scripted with the Danbooru Ex userscript. The only downside is that I don't think it's possible to change the number of posts per page (or the page format but then you wouldn't want to do that anyway as it would hide the commentary, which you need to be able to see to know what tag to use)

g3gen said:

g3gen said:

Ok, I can save the original, but I can't understand why it won't zoom to the actual size like it use to.

Clicking on View original fetches the original but won't zoom actual size.

That seems to be the problem

Sorry I am a bit flustered.

Same for my Windows 10 laptop. I'm used to seeing the actual size on the screen with view original. Instead I see the 850 pixel preview.

I'm getting the same behaviour over here, on three different browsers, Chrome Firefox and Edge (only Chrome is logged in and has any browser extensions). On Windows 10; same problem reported by a friend of mine as well.Basically, when clicking "View Original", the sample is replaced by the full size picture, but the picture is still forced into a size that fits the monitor/browser in width, made evident when zooming the page out with ctrl+mwheel and having everything on the page get smaller while the picture remains the same size.
Pressing Z after clicking view original brings up the picture in ACTUAL FULL SIZE with scroll bars at the bottom and the side. Example screenshots here: https://imgur.com/a/eWEWvxAI'm guessing this is normal behaviour since there is a keyboard shortcut that toggles between the two, but Z isn't listed in the keyboard shortcuts accessible at the bottom of the page. Is it an option that can be toggled somewhere, also? eg. always see the true original vs. see "resized original"?

EDIT: after browsing through older pages I realised this was brought up before g3gen's posts even, and in one of the changelogs. Oops.

fossilnix said:

Could it be because "fit images to window" is always turned on (forum #164477)

Yep, that's it, found it in older pages just as you were replying. Woops. Thanks!
Might just need to add z to the Keyboard shortcuts page at the bottom of the site.