
Tag Implication: spear_the_gungnir -> spear

Posted under General

I disagree with this implication. Some depictions of this "spear" depict it more or less as an immaterial mass of energy, such as post #263841, post #437190, and post #447815. They're barely what I would call a "spear."

Even if the weapon is made of energy, it should still have a clear enough form of the weapon to receive the corresponding weapon tag (or any other tag corresponding to a specific physical item/shape)

I don't really care one way or another but I have to state this name is terrible and zun should feel terrible.

No, this is a specific Gungnir.

Speaking of which, we really should distinguish between Flandre's Levaetain and Signum's Levaetain

Well, Signum calls her weapon "Levantine" rather than "Laevatein". It's an alternate pronunciation of the same mythical flaming sword, true, but it could be enough for a differentiation.

Mind you, I can't see much reason to tag Flandre's Laevatein, either. Is it because of its unusual shape?

It's because it's a very specific, recognisable item associated with Flandre that isn't present in 100% of the pics with her.

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