
Tag for Japanese sweets

Posted under General

I believe they are typically called "okashi" (お菓子) in Japanese. We don't appear to currently have a tag for it, unless we have them under another name. If we don't, feel free to start one.

Shinjidude said:
I believe they are typically called "okashi" (お菓子) in Japanese. We don't appear to currently have a tag for it, unless we have them under another name. If we don't, feel free to start one.

Okashi is just the word for sweets, so using that as a tag would be wrong. Wagashi, OTOH, could be used, because it specifically implies Japanese-style, just like wafuku.

葉月 said:
Okashi is just the word for sweets, so using that as a tag would be wrong. Wagashi, OTOH, could be used, because it specifically implies Japanese-style, just like wafuku.

I was thinking of usage much like "sake" which means both generic alcohol as well as specifically Japanese rice wine. There is no corresponding "wazake" to force a distinction.

There exist better more specific examples though, so obviously we should go with them.

Sake may be in common use for pretty much anything alcoholic that isn't beer, but when anyone says sake without pointing something out specifically, the first thought is the Japanese rice-based beverage.

That aside, wagashi is an actual word used for confections that are either traditional to Japan, or were actually invented there. Visually, they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, whereas nearly everything that could theoretically fit under a "wazake" label would end up looking mostly the same except for the label, so that doesn't seem to be a very good comparison, to me.

Shinjidude said:
I was thinking of usage much like "sake" which means both generic alcohol as well as specifically Japanese rice wine. There is no corresponding "wazake" to force a distinction.

There exist better more specific examples though, so obviously we should go with them.

The difference is that "sake" is a widely-known Japanese word used very much outside of the Japanese language. Thus it's already got derived meanings in other languages which might not be identical to how it's used in Japanese itself. The situation is different when we'd be basically creating a new import.

I wasn't suggesting we coin a new word, just explaining why I suggested "okashi" above, drawing an analogy to "sake" as an umbrella term. We have more specific terms to use as tags, so that's what we should go with.

It's a bit like wariza. Once the tag gets specific enough, it stops being weaboo, and starts being just specialised. Cf. pantsu and wakamezake. That said, I certainly wouldn't mind having wafuku as the canonical tag, I still use it and rely on the alias to correct it to japanese_clothes...

I'm okay with wagashi as an umbrella tag but maybe that's just watching four cour of Yumeiro Patissiere brainwashing me.

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