
Tag Alias: al_bhed_eyes -> ringed_eyes

Posted under General

I still don't like the copy-specific nature of al_bhed_eyes but we've never settled on a different name for it.

Wouldn't swirled_eyes work though?

jxh2154 said:
I still don't like the copy-specific nature of al_bhed_eyes but we've never settled on a different name for it.

Wouldn't swirled_eyes work though?

The issue brought up in the other thread is that people thought spiral_eyes and swirled_eyes would cause confusion with @_@.

I prefer swirled_eyes to spiral_eyes, but I'm fine with anything as long as its changed from what it is now.

I'm against aliasing @_@ with anything, because how i see it, is that it's a different sort of eye altogether from the swirly eyes, especially since one is a sp-
wait, why not alias spiral eyes with @_@, and make swirled_eyes its own?

jjj14 said:
I'm still not sure why we need to separate temporary and permanent eye traits...

One is for comical effect (and/or glasses), and the other's "a natural/neutral state", way I see it. After all, a character with swirly irises can still shift into a dazed, @_@ state (which looks more like spirals in place of eyes).

...or something like that? As for Nials's suggesting, "swirled" sounds more like @_@ than "spiral", but it's all a mucky matter.

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