
Tag Alias: slender_waist -> narrow_waist

Posted under General

A distinction is okay but will take some monitoring. And wikis. Maybe a renaming of narrow_waist, even perhaps adding a "very" to it.

Resurrecting this thread to clarify;

Are slender_waist & narrow_waist being kept as two discrete tags?

There is no wiki definition for slender_waist

P.S. - I agree with Hillside Moose about not splitting those tags further

P.S.S. - There are currently 8 tags using the waist tag.
Is waist used to identify waists on-sight,similar to midriff and navel?

I thought non-descriptive bodypart tags was for images where said bodypart is a major focus of the image (with the exception of breasts, which is more of a size issue). e.g. Legs, ass. hands, and face.

i.e. Waist would only be used when the waist is an important focus of the image. I'm not sure that really applies to most images in the tag currently. Maybe some in the "Perfect Waist" pool, but I find that pool highly subjective to the point of almost meaninglessness, much like the "Perfect Ass" pool which has no clear standards.

As for narrow waist, I think that would be semi-independent of hips and waist because those may not necessarily be the focus of an image in which someone has a waist "approximately 2/5 the width of their hips, and simultaneously noticeably narrower than their chest."

For slender waist, I think its main utility would be in depicting slender girls with a waist that is slimmer than their hips and shoulders but not cartoonishly so.

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