
Wiki suggestions: frills,ruffles

Posted under General

Unless I missed some kind of major "plot point" regarding our intent for these tags, the gathers -> frills implication is one of (more broadly applicable tag) -> (less broadly applicable tag). I just don't see why you would want to do this, it is the exact opposite of the long_hair and highres implications and makes no sense.

Edit: Alright, I just got the point behind this (I'm dumb...).
The intent is to search the corrugated look with frills, and using frilled_clothingtype gathers to search gathered clothing only, and frilled_clothingtype -gathers for frills only, right? Thereby only needing frilled_clothingtype tags, and being able to use those for specific clothing types, both frilled and gathered.

However, I think that is extremely confusing and feels very backwards seeing the meanings of those names. (with gathers being the super-set)

A way to have only one type of x_clothingtype tags, while keeping gathers as the natural super-set would be to change frilled_clothingtype into gathered_clothingtype. While it's not exactly a change I'd be jumping to make, I'd argue it is less confusing, and technically more correct.

Personally, I don't mind having separate gathered_clothingtype tags either. Its main opposition seems to have been users looking for that "corrugated look" by using frilled_clothingtype missing gathered_clothingtype and vice versa.
Not only would this actually be correct, it was solved by using gathers as a super-set (from its original "separate from frills" status). Then one can search for gathers dress and get both gathered and frilled dresses (there is of course also always ~gathered_dress ~frilled_dress). Just like lace.

Cyberia-Mix said:
SystemXS >
Regardless, this is getting so complicated that I made a chart to summarize your reasoning. Here.

If we can draw a clear line that prevents users from misunderstanding the tags' use then I'd like to follow your model. As long as not finding frilled dresses and gathered dresses together in your regular search can make sense.

While gathers dress is a bit less accurate than frilled_dress, frilled_dress gathers and frilled_dress -gathers are also a bit less accurate than gathered_dress and frilled_dress.
The only difference is, with the "frilled_clothingtype only" solution, the wording is more confusing, and there are 2 tag searches that drop in accuracy.
Also, ~gathered_dress ~frilled_dress would actually be 100% accurate.


before i update the wikis, i would like to present the definitions i gathered from this discussion which might replace/supplement the current wikis.

the listing might be a wall of text if all added, but i don't exactly like to prefer one user's definition over the other.


  • has the added meaning of "unnecessary extras" (ds2096)
  • are not just any clothing embellishment, they're specifically the same thing as ruffles (aliased now) (ds2096)
  • It's more like anything ornamental in addition to the basic design. (Shinjidude)
  • are "extensions" to clothing. post #567769, Pretty much all of the lingerie has frills on them. When you look at them, it just feels like an extension to their clothing. (Bapabooiee)
  • post #470292. If you were to cut-away all of the frills from her clothing, her clothes would probably still look fine, as frills look like they extend the clothing (Bapabooiee)
  • appear to be extensions to clothing, and sort of add "flair" -- but if the frills were to be removed, the clothing would still look fine. You could consider them as "tacked-on" cloth (Bapabooiee)
  • thefreedictionary.com: "A ruffled, gathered, or pleated border or projection, such as a fabric edge used to trim clothing"
  • When a strip of fabric is gathered at one side, leaving the other free, and then applied to clothing as a trim, or is used as such. Compare to gathering, which is a more integral part of the base clothing layer. It is a form of trim. (SystemXS)

gathers (which was ruffles before the alias and cleaning)

  • has the added meaning of "corrugated potato chips" (ds2096)
  • could basically be considered a "heavier", pleated version of frills (Bapabooiee)
  • would not be considered an extension to the clothing -- but more of an integral part of it. post #576395, The ruffles[*, see ds2096 below] underneath her dress are very heavily used, and pleated. They don't look like they're just a simple extension to her under-dress. (Bapabooiee)
  • "heavier" than frills, and appear to be integral to the look and design of the particular article of clothing; they are a hard-set union, and removing them would be problematic to the look of the clothing, and even its design.
  • [*] "ruffles" to mean gathers, which may or may not occur near the edge of the fabric. (ds2096)
  • Use gathers for bulky frills/ruffles (the apparent old use of ruffles) (freefunctor)
  • Quite literally "gathering" large amounts of fabric, in a smaller space so that it creates many creases or "loops". Related to but not be confused for ruffles. (SystemXS)
  • gathers which are wavy (Cyberia-Mix)


  • edge cut into strips (Shinjidude)
  • keep fringe for embellishments (Shinjidude)
  • An ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, as often seen in Native or South American and typical "far west" clothing. It is a form of trim. (SystemXS)


  • fine net-like arrangement, or hole-laden fabric (Shinjidude)
  • fabric containing patterns of holes, or intricate works (unicogirl)
  • lace wiki definition needs ironing out if the alias ruffles -> frills is going to proceed. the "Cloth with holes sewn into it" makes it distinct enough. i guess, that part will remain. just going to fix when it mentions frills and ruffles. (ghostrigger)
  • thefreedictionary.com says "A delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern."
  • lace shouldn't implicate trim because pieces of closing can be made entirely of lace and not just trimmed with it. After all we do differentiate between lace and lace-trimmed garment(mostly lingerie) (MyrMindservant)
  • A type of fabric/cloth made with an abundance of noticeable open space between threads. It usually looks like fine netting with many intricate patterns and differing density. It is not limited to clothing. It can be added as a trim, or entire clothing pieces (often underwear) can be made of it. Should be seen as a material for tagging purposes. (SystemXS)

in longer statements (for the wiki), paraphrasing may apply.

