
Tag aliases: backgrounds

Posted under General

We don't have any other /*bg aliases except /dbgt -> dragon ball gt, so let's make use of them to shorten the various *_background tags which are quite cumbersome to type.

/sbg -> simple_background
/tbg -> transparent_background
/gbg -> gradient_background
/htbg -> halftone_background
/wbg -> white_background (most common example, no conflicts)

/whitebg-> white_background (for orthogonality)
/greybg -> grey_background
/blackbg -> black_background
/brownbg -> brown_background

/pinkbg -> pink_background
/redbg -> red_background
/orangebg -> orange_background
/yellowbg -> yellow_background
/greenbg -> green_background
/aquabg -> aqua_background
/bluebg -> blue_background
/purplebg -> purple_background

Most Common Patterns
/argylebg -> argyle_background
/checkeredbg -> checkered_background
/floralbg -> floral_background
/photobg -> photo_background
/polkadotbg -> polka_dot_background
/stripedbg -> striped_background

Some of these are cumbersome in themselves. Perhaps...

/argbg -> argyle_background
/checkbg -> checkered_background
/pdbg -> polka-dot_background

Also, we need the following aliases for the other common US spelling:

/graybg -> grey_background
gray_background -> grey_background

Updated by jxh2154

Benit149 said:
Don't forget sepia_background.

There are a few others I skipped because they are underutilized. But for completeness sake...

/sepiabg -> sepia_background (22)
/darkbg -> dark_background (7)
/abstractbg -> abstract_background (8)
/cardbg -> card_background (31)
/fruitbg -> fruit_background (27)
/heartbg -> heart_background (104)
/honeycombbg -> honeycomb_background (29)
/leafbg -> leaf_background (40)
/plaidbg -> plaid_background (75)
/rainbowbg -> rainbow_background (77)
/spiralbg -> spiral_background (7)
/starrybg -> starry_background (106)

These two only have one image each, so I wouldn't bother yet, but...
/censoredbg -> censored_background
/rabbitbg -> rabbit_background

jxh2154 said:

I never noticed this and just found out it was all done when looking at the page for a background.

(Thank you thank you thank you thank you.)

Log said:
I wouldn't tag post #1123859 with fire, even if the motif draws from fire.

I wouldn't tag it fiery_background either, precisely because it has no fire in the background.

Danielx21 said:
Serlo, I believe the last item should be...

create alias fire_background -> fiery_background

Let's fix that.

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