
Tag Alias: x -> x_(rockman)

Posted under General

Oh come on you of all people should know that we aren't going to alias a single character.

Log said:
Oh come on you of all people should know that we aren't going to alias a single character.

Trying to click on x is hard and easy to miss.

Additionally, I don't think simply "X" should be used.
X_(Rockman) or Rockman_X would be better.

*edit* Rockman_X is the copyright, derp.

What Log is trying to say, I believe, is that we're not going to do an alias because it's a single letter. What you should be asking for is a mass edit.

Oh hahaha, character, letter, yes. While my statement would apply to numbers as well it would have helped if I had realized I could be referring to a letter or a person.

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