
Series: Laugh-Nest (Softhouse Chara) - Comic (Kikujin)

Note: Please update this descriptions as series are translated. Current descriptions are written by Non-Japanese speaker with help of online dictionary.

A slice-of-life webcomic set in Softhouse Chara's world, it's about daily life of three monster girls who lives in town of monsters. They often hang out and/or work at Harami Restaurant, owned by Minotaur chef. ((More will be added))
Setting is closely related to Suzukuri Dragon.


Friendly and hard-working waitress of Harami Restaurant, she is beloved and trusted by restaurant's patrons and owner. Also, she keeps a rare cat-like monster called Chara (キャラ) as her pet.

Cheerful, naive and shy girl. She's from clan of sword-type weapon elemental/creature {better translation needed}, so most of her body is made of weapons such as sword (lower half of body and hair), whip_sword (hair), and ball flail (neck amulet). Just like Kikihime, she have good relationship with her family, but unlike her, she dislike like her nature as a living weapon. She also love eating ceramic dish.

Cool-headed and boyish girl in miko outfit, she emanates stoic and serious atomsphere. However, she'll loosen herself in casual situation. Similar to Yukiha, she's from a clan. however, unlike Yukiha, she's serious about her position as potential inheritor of "White-snake sama" (白ヘビ様) clan - a family of monsters who can use spells and control white snake familiars. Thus, when she's not with her friends, she study and train various arts of her clan.

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