


Am I the only one who asked themselves 'Is that (dennou shoujo) Siro' when she appeared in the opening?

BakaHeart said:

As far as I can tell, there's nothing in the instructions manuals that says NOT to do that.

Well, she's literally the goddess of Nintendo consoles so if she's doing it, then isn't that basically the highest level of approval you can get?

A_Lurker said:

Fairly late here, but exactly why do people refer to Bismarck as Big Akatsuki in this setting.

Fairly late reply, basically because she has a very similar personality i.e. trying to be the responsible older sister

NNescio said:

Anyone recognize the livery here? Which chapter wears green armor?

It's Dark Angels as far as I can tell considering that there is a member of the Deathwing in the background.

NNescio said:

It's genki/youjingshen, not daijoubu though.

Well 元気 can means alright in a 'yes I'm doing OK physically and mentally' way, so it's not totally off the mark, in Japanese at least; I don't speak any Chinese dialects so I can't say the same for sure about that.

091-Adjunct_Testament said:

In context of this image or is that information from somewhere else?

Iirc from the source material released in China. Because they are civilian T - dolls they are able to be equipped for all sorts of 'domestic purposes' so to speak.

Demundo said:

They love weird food even more. Those could have made something for them instead of flying to an enemy.

Hey what's weird about cooking pigs blood!? Or stuffing the heart, lungs and liver of a sheep in its own stomach and cooking it all!? Or putting sand eels in gelatin? I mean it's not as if we go around doing barbaric things like eating tuna eyes, that would just be wrong[\i].

Updated the reservation sign thingy because Graf in German is something analogous to Count in English so putting another title and then the Graf in the same thing doesn't make much sense.

nOTdYLAN said:


Don't! Nobody deserves becoming aware of the utter cesspit that is the Sonic fandom on DA!

Stellarium said:

Psh, where would people complain? The interne--wait.

In my day we didn't have an Internet. If we wanted to complain we had to...
What did we do in the days before the Internet existed in such a wisespread, easy to access manner? I should know this because I lived without it for 18 bloody years!

NWSiaCB said:

Well, if we're piling on more and more, there's also the old "just suddenly disappearing in a glow and finding yourself in the middle of a summoning circle" method of finding yourself in a new world. Also, if you happen to have been summoned by a tsundere loli, congrats, you're married now, so don't even try getting it on with the maid or the princess. If you were summoned by a king meanwhile, then you're marrying his daughter.

There's also the wake up in bed wondering why nobody has come to wake you up only for you to get ready for school, go outside and find you are in the middle of a barren and ruined city. And there is a dead mech slumped against what's left of your until now perfectly normal house.

shiro123 said:

I can't even imagine how he would sound when he will say that line. Jouji I get because of his role as Nyanta in Log Horizon, but Wakamoto with a godly voice as a Manjuu or Meowficer...

You need to play Koihime Musou where he plays a giant, bald (apart from a ponytail) and very muscular dude wearing nothing but a pink thong as a stand in for Diaochan aka the most beautiful woman in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It's utterly hilarious how the protagonist sees that but everyone else is like 'how cruel can you be? She's absolutely beautiful!' every time he shuts her down.

Caucasus said:

About "please take care wof me", sorry, I just had to translate this pun. If anybody has a better idea, feel free.

Late reply but given that the japanese wo sound is quite similar to the o sound in english, it works pretty well.

Garrus said:

... I'm sorry, but who exactly is the adult here? Because I'm getting the impression that is Bisko who is the food-snatching kid!

You implying that Big Akatsuki is anything other than a first class grown up lady?

TouToTheHouYo said:

I know Ryuujou is supposed to be short, but gotdayum is she tiny in this series.

She's barely bigger then the kiddos.

Late reply but she's supposed to be that nice slightly older girl who lives down the way.

Goldstein-1187 said:

Depending on the house rules, Sagume can win without running into situations that requires an uno Doremy can do something about.

This would involve smth like, for example:

  • a chain of Skips/Reverses (Reverses in 1v1 acts like a Skip), +2s, or legit Wild +4s until one card is left
  • a lucky/well-thought Wild that leaves Doremy unable to change the colour Sagume requested for her last card (pretty sure Sagu's ability wouldn't affect already established facts, thus why legit +4s can also hand Sagume the game)
  • (in the house rules I used to play, at least) Doremy dumping the number Sagume's entire hand card is composed of, dodging the necessity to uno altogether

The rules and physics of Touhou Uno.