


Veradux said:

Actually, that's normal. You either wash the gloves or throw them away.

I'm talking leather gloves. The one you put on when you go on your motorcycle, and that you remove once you arrive at work. The one that you don't normally wash with SHA, especially if it's to remove them afterward.
I'm sure this isn't good for the leather.

There are so many things wrong with this I don't even know where to start, and the worst part is that I fully expect someone to really try it. I mean, I saw someone rubbing that alcoholic solution over their fucking gloves.

Gotta say, I like that older Miku, with her scaredy cat behaviour, her painted nails, her large baby-making waist, and her complete lack of common sense.

KillRoB-XV said:

The true way of the mastermind is to treat anything that cannot be used to recruit people as a dump stat.
Then recruit specialized slaves followers to make up for every skill that you don't have.

Why bother being someone that can do everything if you can just get a different guy for every job?

That's exactly what recruitement is about.
Hire people who are good at what you're bad at.

EndingNoZero said:

That bird is the Bird Box movie reference right?

I bet on either Silent Hill (the movie), or Death Stranding, myself. They both use birds as living radar to learn when things go south.

usuallydead said:

Patchy being an insufferable hipster for video games? I love this idea.

You're mistaking hipsters and american scrub whose name start with Da- and ends with -rkSidePhil who constantly complain about personal issues on live streams yet buy all kind of retarded crap and then whine they are too poor to get taxes and will get evicted, prompting his idiotic fans to suck him up and throws money at him.

The hipster is more like "Oh yeah, you beat Castlevania, congrats. How many savestates did you burn? Back in my days, we played the game fair instead of cheating."

Man, that takes me back. I always though Altered Beast was obscure as shit, but it was actually pretty fucking famous.

Naked_Flame said:

Trapinch is low-key one of my favourite pokemon.
Couldn't give two shits about Vibrava or Flygon, but I love this happy smiley little boi.

They remind me of Carbot's zerglings.

Himp said:

After the whole "Teaching Japanese Artist nuance" for Nessa skin tone, i'm on boat when an artist decides to be an utter ass and not only by Not apologizing, but going scorched earth on their attackers.

That thing just has a condescending tone to it. Maybe I should make a "Teaching Americans to be Tolerant", and write it in a scornful, condescending tone, as if I was talking to a bunch of underage kids, because that's really the vibe I get from your Nessa thingy. It's condescending, generalizing, and smells of a holier-than-you fart gas.

cd_young said:

Those palindrones are far too tiny for her being a space marine, she's also pretty smol for being one too.

Let me guess, it's autocorrect that turned pauldrons into palindromes?

Quang243 said:

Umm...Sorry to ask but are you are fellow Historia Civilis subscriber

Historia Civilis, and some Invicta too.

LordYatagarasu said:

Ah, so that explains it,
Also is that a thousand years of death?

Yes, it's the Naruto thingy. Naruto totally invented that. Absolutely.

If this turns out to be futa, I'm going to be pissed. If you want a dick, use a male character.

Zekana said:

Its not bad but talking about cheating sex crazed maniacs to a bunch of school children may not be the most appropriate of subjects.

You have a point. Then again, history is nothing but people fucking each others and fucking with each others.

A shame, because, in my experience, giving anecdotes and turning historical characters into people you can sympathize with is the best way to get interested in history. That's why a lot of TV documentary have actors playing whoever the documentary is about.
I'll miss you, Caesar, you angry little red square.

AntagonistChan said:

While you are right, the "google it" part is... kinda unnecessary. Particularly because FRien had nothing to search for.
Also it sounds kinda weird to shorten "Sakura Saber" to "Sakura", especially when there's another character named Sakura.

Don't bother, "google it" is the usual answer to go to when you cannot support your argument, but are too angered by a statement to ignore it. Clearly, his post wasn't to be taken seriously, and you answering it is already giving it too much attention.

BrotherJohn said:

Kourin "...no doubt about it, I tried it my self!"


When you're single and have no child, you're free to dress as you see fit in your house.

BlastingNaba said:

As much as I hate to necropost, I think C S Goto is worse.

Honestly, Failbaddon the Armless is worse. No matter where he appears, he's always a loser.
>White Dwarfs' report
>he just runs away once the battle is lost

>Dawn of War 2
>appears to bitch at what's-his-face and cry like a little bitch

>Battlefleet Gothic 2
>retreats to his main base, even against the TYRANIDS (who are near impossible to stop once they get their momentum), then sends his fleet one by one, while crying, bitching, moaning, sniffing and probably crying into his pillow every time they get defeated, even through it's his fucking job as leader to make them succeed, then he ultimately charges in, and die while crying
And his lore is worse, the bitch has been a prima donna since Day One, and the moment Fucking Horus died, Abaddon ran with his tail between his legs (literally) while claiming his failure was Horus' fault.
That fucking bitch is unable to accept that, as a Warmaster, he has responsabilities, and whenever things go wrong, it's always because his subordinates are dumb, it's never his own fault. He's like a Disney villain, but the pathetic kind, like the loser in the Lion King, rather than the Friends From The Other Side.
Even the Chaos campaign in Battlefleet Gothic 2 shows him being pathetic : you first have to save his miserable, thin-skinned, impotent ass from getting wrecked, and then he orders you to do his job and lead him to victory, and capture Girlyman so that he can torture him. Knowing Girlyman, Failbaddon the Crybaby probably tried to cut him with scalpels, before crying when his scalpel broke on Girlyman's Black Carapace, and then he probably resorted to just making him listen Linkin Park really loudly, both to cause Girlyman pain and cover the sound of Failbaddon the Good-For-Nothing crying to himself.

I fucking hate Abaddon so much. You have no fucking idea how much that loser irks me.