


Well, the above comment is a fairly close translation. No idea why he didn't add them himself

Also I think we have enough of these comics to make a pool here.

Shihion-fon said:
is it me or has anyone else noticed that everyone from bulma's family is named after underware? Dr. Brief's, Trunks, Bra...and im pretty sure Bulma is like meant to be bloomers for something. strange coincidence perhaps?

That's nothing strange. The full saiyans are all named after vegetables, the Ginyu force are named after milk and its food derivatives, and then we get things like Frieza and Coola, Puar and Oolong, Bibidy Babidy Buu etc.

RaptorJesus said:
And thus, Usagi proves ZUN is the God of Generic Design.

...except that it's also true for a large majority of anime-style designs.

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