


Added the "stalker" tag.
Despite the fact of "cheeki breeki" being used by Boris as his trademark, the quote itself comes from the game.

If my understanding of other slavic languages is somewhat correct, I think the insignia on its chest says "Military Police /Gendramerie"

Edit: I've just noticed that the parent post confirms that.

Poor Pepe. Despite the fact that the God Emperor now rules the USA, he just couldn't stand all the pain and sorrow, of the first Great Meme War.

Drewko said:

Quoting our hero and right now dying martyr - "Feels bad man"

And quoting our brave Wojak (literally Warrior in Polish) - "I know that feel bro"

Don't you just love how people have no problems with gore, necro/pedo/zoo/navy/other stuff-philia, even quadruple amputations, but a meme that has been claimed to be [insert leftard slur here] is enough to cause a massive triggerfest? I swear on Hitler's remaining testicle, that people need to reconsider their priorities.

Drewko said:

Actually, young dandelions are pretty edible and tasty.

I heard somewhere that the Japanese dandelions are much more bitter than the European (and probably North American).

NNescio said:

"Where's my vodka? I'm asking you, where's the vodka!?"

(Водка = Vodka)

Side note, a 500 mL bottle of Spirytus Rektyfikowany (38 standard drinks or so) has enough alcohol to potentially kill three to four people.

Except for Poles. I mean, we keep the record for highest registred level of alcohol in blood (about 23‰)


Speaking of weird stuff about this picture. Why is a two-engines aircraft leaving a single vapor trail?

It seems like I have fouled up, because of incorrect source... Sorry for that. I'm still new here.