


BloodCri said:
Each image represents the main theme in each episode. Think about it. 11 episodes. 11 images. Each image is centralized around the main concept within each episode. In addition, laying it out like this shows the gradual descent into madness that this series has undergone. And if I'm wrong about the episode thing, they rather represent the progression of bad shit going down.
The Wayward closed eye went to catch a fish.
The Impatience of a little girl and the injured guard.
The Loss of trust. Loss of innocence. For two little girls.
The Isolation of Koishi to keep the world safe.
The Contagion of the spreading madness.
The Fury of Sanae's brutality.
The Torment and Self Loathing caused by Sanae's parent's death.
The Pride of Byakuren. Raising an army.
The Ruthless decimation of Ran and Chen.
The Paranoia and Repetition between Cirno and Star
The Power of the little devil and her rise to godhood.

Now THAT makes sense.
Made me re-think everything I thought about this image.

BloodCri said:
Now we can only wait and wonder what the next one will be... I honestly have no idea how this is going to resolve. thoughts?

Maybe more into what actually happened with Cirno and Daiyousei, or more characters going mad.
Or maybe a certain Taoist group might show up and try to interfere with Byakuren.

According to the devianArt commentary for it:

A tribute to Koishi Komeiji's Heart Throbbing Adventure. I posted this on my Pixiv a while back, after the 11th episode was released. It's crazy, creepy, unsettling -- and I like it. Each portion represents a potential path to insanity, each illustrated in subsequent episodes from left to right. They're like "themes of insanity."

1: The Wayward wanderer without a care--for anything. They are driven to madness through apathy and a detachment from humanity.
2: The Impatient one, always demanding whatever, whenever. There may be a temporary lapse in sanity, which manifests via conniption fits or temper-tantrums.
3: The Loss of something great. Overwhelming grief or shock paves a slippery slope into pure, unadulterated anger.
4: The Isolation from the outside world. Without connections to others, the mind drifts and loses itself. The mind makes things/people up to compensate for loneliness.
5: The Contagion, which forces the mind into submission. The host cannot help themselves, the mental parasite their new commander.
6: The Fury of one who has lost everything they care about. They take their frustration out on the world, which is a problem--for they may never run out of frustration. A "Fuck the world" mentality.
7: The Torment upon an individual leads to depression, which leads to self-loathing. Believing they should hate themselves, they in turn begin to hate everything. The mind buckles under sadness. Why should one appreciate anything if one cannot appreciate their own existence?
8: The Pride of oneself or one's own affiliations can drive them to do unethical things. For one's own beliefs, they may sacrifice their own lives in vain, or they may take the lives of others.
9: The Ruthless individual can be extreme. The ruthless may be considered "psychopaths," without regard or care for anyone or anything. They are cruel, and they will put little to no value on another's life if it will further their agenda.
10: The Paranoia that one experiences can climax into full-blown schizophrenia, believing that someone or something is out to get them. They might go as far as murder to put an end to the imagined threat. The Repetition that one experiences from day to day can bore, and one may question their purpose in life. If one dwells on their purpose for too long, they may conclude that there is no good purpose for their existence.
11: The Power one holds can overwhelm, giving the ego full reign over the psyche. The free exploitation of one's own power for the sake of expression alone can be catastrophic to society and the self. These individuals are powerful, and they demand submission.

jongyon7192p said:

Where can I find the author's deviantart?

Here you go, deviantArt user Sephimink. He hasn't been posting too much, as his last three artworks were May of 2014

Yeah, but only Reisen and Koakuma are being outright malicious. Koishi just doesn't get it, and Star's been driven (mostly) insane by the moon's plan.

desadoc said:
where's yukari?

Notice the blond hair on Koishi, yeah I don't wanna relive the trauma.

Reader-added tags include "Girl is thinking long over penguinium", "Pyaaa!" and "Pyaaa! Yummy-heee!" (The latter is apparently a meme from a May 2007 episode of Sazae-san.)