

Date Rating Safe Score 8

al_pacino said:

"insect"? why do I get the feeling that "insect" mean this stern "Kashima" here?

Oh, it's not just this stern Kashima.
But all infiltrators that pose a threat is an insect (read: target) to them.

qwerfv said:

The last frame... Is that how level 1 shipgirls react upon seeing their counterparts?

I'm curious to see how Ido-san deals with the whole multiple-copies-of-shipgirls aspect of the game. He's hinted that it exists within his universe before (post #2184869), but I believe this is his first direct interaction between duplicate shipgirls.

Funny how both girls are from the same race(Feline) and based on Tigers yet one looks human while the other has more animal features.