


Claverhouse said:


I read that with the most scottish/welsh accent in my head.

Not sure if it's a view of her from behind, with weird... Things in her hair... Or just a monster facing you

DammitCarl said:
And yes, that's exactly what I've been doing. Sacrificing cost-efficiency, place Gitano in her place, get complete performance-consistency in return. Both single target and mob-clearing wise.

That is exactly what I'm talking about. Of course Amiya is going to fail if you're using her in situations where Gitano is ideal. You can't even compare a ST caster to an AOE caster, because they do completely different jobs.

No way in hell Gitano is the better single target choice, weaker damage, slower attack rate, that statement just stinks of bias. Gitano barely beats out Durin in ST DPS. Even Steward would do better, and wouldn't cost an arm and a leg to deploy.

You're insane if you think Amiya is bad, especially if it's because you expect her to clear mobs like an AOE unit and shoot down drones your Snipers couldn't stop, when casters don't even prioritize drones over ground units in the first place.

I feel like the biggest advantage Amiya has is the lack of competition. There's not many other single target casters. I'm F2P, and aside from Amiya, the only ST casters I have are Steward, Haze, and Nightmare. Steward I've done nothing with. Haze kills her hp for dps, and nightmare is more situational. Granted, I'm not a fan of the ones like her and Mash, but eh.

blindVigil said:
You're insane if you think Amiya is bad, especially if it's because you expect her to clear mobs like an AOE unit and shoot down drones your Snipers couldn't stop, when casters don't even prioritize drones over ground units in the first place.

And you'd be insane to think Amiya can out dps Eyja with her randomness and a clunky-ass S3. By the time Amiya can even proc any of her skill Eyja would've already wiped the map with her S3 and would already be well over halfway charged for another round. And guess what, she attacks up to 3 random targets at once and doesn't get force retreated like a certain someone, eat your heart out on that.

Again, the drone thing is supposed to be an anology. Again, I am not expecting her to outshine other units like a mascot character supposed to be, I am simply expecting her to do her goddamn job which she can't even because once she proc her S2 her attention span is akin to a freaking goldfish

DammitCarl said:

And you'd be insane to think Amiya can out dps Eyja with her randomness and a clunky-ass S3. By the time Amiya can even proc any of her skill Eyja would've already wiped the map with her S3 and would already be well over halfway charged for another round. And guess what, she attacks up to 3 random targets at once and doesn't get force retreated like a certain someone, eat your heart out on that.

Again, the drone thing is supposed to be an anology. Again, I am not expecting her to outshine other units like a mascot character supposed to be, I am simply expecting her to do her goddamn job which she can't even because once she proc her S2 her attention span is akin to a freaking goldfish

Firstly, your drone thing was not an analogy, it was a hypothetical of two similar situations, one success and one failure. A very uncommon scenario that would be a problem for any caster since they don't prioritize drones over ground units and the game rarely demands that you use casters to fight drones. It was pointless.

Secondly, there's no point comparing an AOE skill or unit to someone primarily designed for single target use, of course Eyja is going to win if she's hitting three times as many enemies. She's not going to win if she's only hitting one, especially if it's your average boss with 50 RES.

Finally, Amiya does do her job, as far as free units go she's far better than the trash these games usually stick you with. Your problem seems to be that you're dead set on using a single target caster to do the job of an AOE caster and being surprised when it doesn't work. It's almost like she wasn't designed to take on large groups of enemies by herself.

DammitCarl said:

since the first instance of using it I have looked up the definition so haha, screw you it's an analogy whether you like it or not.

You're right, I also don't need to accept your opinion. You use Amiya, she treats you well, then more power to you. I also do, but her inconsistency has fuck me up more times than she gives me the carrot, despite all the trial and error and my patience, so to me she sucks a big fat wiener, end of story.

from what you've said, and who you keep comparing amiya to, you clearly aren't using her properly since you keep comparing her to *AOE CASTERS* which she isn't one, even with S2 which is a 6 hit *random targeting attack" it does bad damage against mobs but will shred single targets. I think you missed that part of her skill description.

I wish you would take this to reddit or some other gaming board.

Mostly because this hasn't been a conversation from the very beggining...