
Loli/shota check thread.

Posted under General

Ai-to-Yukai said:

post #2237186
post #2237187

Frankly, I wonder if many cagliostro_(granblue_fantasy) explicit images should be loli...

I don't see why^^. Maybe she has a flat chest or small breasts but this doesn't qualify for loli at all if the face looks mature and the rest of her body as well. ecause we have to look at the whole thing^^. And those post doesn't look loli to me at all.
@tapnek It is on the edge in my opinion. But if in doubt I'd always let it flow as not loli because the consequence would be a censorship^^.

Gollgagh said:

has a topless apparently-prepubescent-girl

I'd say yes

You only see her back and the post is completely non sexual so no.

From the loli wiki: This tag is for sexually explicit or sexually suggestive art work...

This art is neither. If you think it is please tell me where exactly so I can take that into consideration in the future. :3

Difficult to explain because we might have another idea of what is sexually suggestive.
But in my opinion a bare back and the picture as a whole thing (i.e. large breasts of the...ehm..bigger one, only underwaer (here: panties/topless) of the child/loli-characte). But even if it's not the image as a whole, here is another picture that could be considered questionable because of a bare back and underwear only: post #2245996.