
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

reese said:

Put this in your custom CSS. I managed to get a workaround yesterday.

.post-preview.blacklisted-active img {
	display: inline; 
	opacity: 0;

Nope, did nothing. Custom CSS refers to the text box at the bottom of the Advanced Setting page, right? If so, there are still no black boxes.

I forgot you wanted them black.

.post-preview.blacklisted-active {

reese said:

I forgot you wanted them black.

.post-preview.blacklisted-active {

Still not working... Did I do something wrong?

The reason I want them black is to know if there are any pics found after and before pics that are not blacklisted. I won't be able to tell that if they cannot be seen at all.

game2009 said:

Still not working... Did I do something wrong?

.post-preview.blacklisted-active img {
  display: none;
.post-preview.blacklisted-active {
  display: block;
.post-preview.blacklisted-active:before {
  display: none;
.post-preview.blacklisted-active:after {
  position: absolute;
  content: "Blacklisted";
  color: white;
  top: 45%;
  right: 0;
  left: 0;
  font-size: 130%;

Toks said:

Whoop de doo! Thanks a bunch!

Is there still no way to make it clickable? It's all right if there is no way yet. This will do for now. Sorry if I'm demanding too much...

game2009 said:

Whoop de doo! Thanks a bunch!

Is there still no way to make it clickable? It's all right if there is no way yet. This will do for now. Sorry if I'm demanding too much...

You could try this, if it doesn't work then your browser doesn't support it.

.post-preview.blacklisted-active {
  filter: brightness(0%);
  -webkit-filter: brightness(0%);
  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)";
  display: block;

Toks said:

You could try this, if it doesn't work then your browser doesn't support it.

Maybe just reduce image opacity instead?

.post-preview.blacklisted-active img {

The above have some very interesting interactions with the comment pages, like darkening out everything, including the comments of others so it's one huge black patch.

A bit of fiddling later from the above suggestions, and I got this:
/*Visible, clickable Blacklists*/ .post-preview.blacklisted-active img { opacity:0; } .post-preview.blacklisted-active { background-color:black; display: inline; } .post-preview.blacklisted-active:before { display: none; }

Blacklists show up as a regular size black box. The image can be hovered over, but only within the actual size of the image so the corners of the black box won't be clickable/hoverable.

The posts will also show up in the comment pages, so the comments are visible, but the image itself is invisible.

I removed the "Blacklisted" text as it is also unclickable, and appears weirdly in comment pages.

Type-kun said:

Maybe just reduce image opacity instead?

.post-preview.blacklisted-active img {

Thought I tried that at some point and it didn't let you click it but now it works fine lol. I must have messed something up.

Mileavis said:

The image can be hovered over, but only within the actual size of the image so the corners of the black box won't be clickable/hoverable.

If you want the whole 150x150 box to be clickable you could do this.

/*Visible, clickable Blacklists*/ 
.post-preview.blacklisted-active img {
.post-preview.blacklisted-active {
  display: inline;
.post-preview.blacklisted-active:before {
  display: none;

By the way, I think "blacklisted" text can also be made clickable if put inside ".post-preview.blacklisted-active a:before" - it works in old Opera, at least.

Wait, let's clear things up... What exactly has to be posted at the CSS to make black boxes clickable?

game2009 said:

Wait, let's clear things up... What exactly has to be posted at the CSS to make black boxes clickable?

All of the last code that Toks posted (The active:before might not be needed? idk)

If you also want the "Blacklisted" text, then add

.post-preview.blacklisted-active a:before {
  position: absolute;
  content: "Blacklisted";
  color: white;
  top: 45%;
  right: 0;
  left: 0;
  font-size: 130%;

game2009 said:

Doesn't work... Guess my browser doesn't support it?

You sure you used the one from this post, not the earlier one I posted?

Toks said:

You sure you used the one from this post, not the earlier one I posted?

It works now! I still had the first one you showed me, the one for making unclickable black boxes show up, when I entered that one, which is why it didn't work.

Thanks a bunch!


Provence said:

It seems that editing and contributing is broken at this time?

I can't favorite right now so probably.

Tag dennou_coil seems to be broken. Gives me some weird "ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout" error.

Error can be duplicated throughout other browsers.