
[bulk] Masturbation

Posted under Tags

Much appreciated, I wouldn't be able to get it done by Monday earliest. And it's much more informative than I would make.

Looking at the wikis, masturbation through clothing and clothed masturbation refers to different things.

Clothed masturbation: post #2096681, post #2064631, post #1989437

Masturbation through clothing: post #2155913, post #2236714, post #1854801

Both tags are in serious need of cleanup though. Clothed masturbation in particular seems to have been used for any instance of masturbation that doesn't qualify for the nude tag, when that isn't what it's for at all...

Edit: Perhaps changing Clothed masturbation to Masturbation under clothing would clarify the issue?


Because of the name of the tag, I've always thought clothed masturbation was for when you masturbated with clothes on. I'm willing to admit that I've been wrong and I don't really care which way we take the tag, I'm fine with any way.

There's too much ambiguity here right now. Until the posts are cleaned up I'm leaving things as they are.

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