

Posted under General

81 pics, as far as i can see
and they are mixed with various batons
should it be left as is? or split individually?

-magic girl
-sakura kinomoto's
-marching band
-cheerleader activity


I think Nagi (and magic girls in general) carry wands instead of batons. A baton seems more gymnastics related.

albert said:
I think Nagi (and magic girls in general) carry wands instead of batons. A baton seems more gymnastics related.

There are some cases where the magical girl's stick is actually called a "baton", though, so I could see why it's used. One that comes to mind is Pretty Sammy where it's specifically called a "magical baton". Wand does seem to best to use for magical girl items, though. Staff would work too, though it seems to be more associated with RPG/fantasy settings in my mind.

unicogirl said: -magic girl
-sakura kinomoto's
-marching band
-cheerleader activity

There's also the baton from a relay race. I have a feeling this could get messy. There are only 81 posts though so it wouldn't be impossible to go through them.

As for the magical girl accessories, it's definitely going to vary. Raging (screw the official name!) Heart would never be called a wand or baton, but trying to differentiate the smaller "sticks" by how they're addressed in each series would be difficult. Then there's multi-purpose "sticks". I haven't seen Mao-chan but the outfit makes it seem like her wand would be equal parts marching band baton and magical wand. And should Nagi's be tagged flashlight as well? (Ok kidding on that one)

I think it's better to treat all magical girl accessories of this type as wands, if only to free baton up for all the other uses it holds. It requires steamrolling over some subtle differences, but that's necessary sometimes.

i think it's a Japanese thing to do, to dub Magical Rods as "Batons". from a western viewpoint, what Sakura and Sasami have -for example- are not the types of Batons shapes i am use to seeing, even compared to police and and traffic batons.

when we think of wands we associate it automatically with Magic. even though there are other things they are used for besides that. so let it be obvious that the batons we are use to seeing have bulbs on each end of a metal rod.

okay, i'll go through it can change some.
how about these for new tags?



-juggling_club (the half baton with the club at the end)

-baton (for marching band, cheer leading)

-conducting_baton (for musical conductors)

-passing_baton (runners who exchange the baton, or just leave it as baton and let it mix in with marching and cheer leading)

speaking of juggling clubs, i will add "ribbon_wand" to the many rhythmic gymnastics pics.


unicogirl said: how about these for new tags?
-baton (for marching band, cheer leading)
-conducting_baton (for musical conductors)
-speaking of juggling clubs, i will add "ribbon_wand" to the many rhythmic gymnastics pics.

I don't have a problem with these, personally. I think it's fine to go ahead and change them now if you want, but if you want to wait a little while while it's discussed that might be good too. We might decide to do some things differently and your work might be partially changed. If you're okay with that though, having them separated out initially so we can go from there would also be good.

-juggling_club (the half baton with the club at the end)

Link a few examples first? I can't visualize what you mean here.

-passing_baton (runners who exchange the baton, or just leave it as baton and let it mix in with marching and cheer leading)

Is there a better word? I'd think relay_baton something like that.

reply_baton works. since its indicating what is going on.

jxh2154 said:
I don't have a problem with these, personally. I think it's fine to go ahead and change them now if you want, but if you want to wait a little while while it's discussed that might be good too.


葉月 said:
That's a hoe.

Now don't you be saying mean things about our Sakura, she's a respectable lady.

unicogirl said: i just checked out scepter
and Sakura is there with her wand/baton too =_=;

Don't worry about scepter for now, it's such a tiny tag. I removed the two Sakura images and placed them under wand for now.

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