
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Provence said:

post #2589657
The kind of bird and the action that the bird on her head is doing. I tagged it with pecking for now...

Pecking seems right.

It's a Japanese wagtail. Doesn't currently have a tag.

fossilnix said:

post #2591276

How do I tag her hair style, where her hair itself is tied into a bow shape?

There's bow_by_hair I made long time ago, but I'm not sure about its wording/grammar or there's any other similar tag around.

Sacriven said:

post #2591904

Do we have tags for Kaguya's treasures other than jeweled branch of hourai?

From her wiki it appears that:

the red fire robe is the "legendary robe of the fire-rat of China"
the blue stone bowl is the "stone begging bowl of the Buddha"
the purple shell is the "legendary Cowry treasure of the swallows" and
the pink thingy is the "colored jewel from a dragon's neck".

From the images I saw where she has all 5, cowry_shell was the only tag close enough for the cowry treasure and the rest weren't tagged.

kiyah123 said:

What is that behind her back in post #2592027? Only thing that came to mind were those pink heart-shaped box_of_chocolates.

Probably a heart-shaped chocolate box like you said or some other type of present! It's hard to tell without being able to see. I'd tag it with the general gift tag personally, since either way it's clearly a gift, being wrapped and all.

Regarding kisetsu's old Kancolle works that have the bad_id tag such as post #1926866, it seems she's re-uploaded them all onto pixiv, albeit in higher quality. Would it be best to remove the bad_id and replace the old source, re-upload the old works, or just leave the posts as they are?