
Deletion request thread

Posted under General

AriesWarlock said:

sample watermaked post #2579900

the original image has been uploaded. It is reason for deletion, right?

Third party watermarks only. That's fine.

And it's not foregoing the fact that the parent is detexted.

After browsing around in the older parts of Danbooru I have a rather large backlog of images to flag. It is mostly just poor quality stuff and some inferior duplicates. Should I post them here or patiently flag them one day at a time?

Also out of curiosity do we want scanned magazine pages like post #6388 on the site?

ion288 said:

After browsing around in the older parts of Danbooru I have a rather large backlog of images to flag. It is mostly just poor quality stuff and some inferior duplicates. Should I post them here or patiently flag them one day at a time?

Also out of curiosity do we want scanned magazine pages like post #6388 on the site?

Both options work.

Note about inferior duplicates -- if they're from a legitimate source (the artist's pixiv/twitter/pawoo/tumblr/whatever) and they're known not to be samples, then avoid flagging them. Although, well, there have been cases where an artist has upped twitter samples to their pixiv unknowingly, among other mishandles. In those cases it'd be justified.

Scanned magazines... nope. Probably not.

Well, here is my "collection" of bad posts.

Poor quality:
post #294347
post #1408
post #1422
post #1403
post #1417
post #4427
post #10629
post #269585 (flash animation)
post #2180
post #476334
post #2865

Inferior animation:
post #11390
post #12727
post #11604
post #7316
post #10837
post #11873
post #5727
post #8858
post #344658

Bad scans:
post #3589
post #9691
post #5554
post #4117
post #4108
post #26442

Magazine scans:
post #6388
post #7570
post #2734
post #7562
post #6341
post #6392

Finally two off topic charts:
post #269600
post #108429

Feel free to flag any and all of these. Also feel free to defend any of these as I am well aware that some things I find bad quality is considered artistic by others.