
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Alanis_the_Evoker said:

post #2760514
Do we have a tag for someone banging his/her head against a wall in frustration?

There's a wallbash tag, but it has only one post. We could probably use a tag with a more intuitive name than this.

post #2762334

Originally the character has white hair and white dress and the picture only has a blueish tone because of the underwater environment. So the question is: should I tag her hair and clothes as white, or blue?

Also, is there a specific tag for the gesture she makes with her right hand?

iridescent_slime said:

post #2767098

Can anyone identify the object at left with a straw stuck in it?

Isn't that a coconut?

EDIT: More specifically a young coconut