
[REJECTED] Tag alias: on_front -> on_stomach

Posted under Tags

create alias on_front -> on_stomach

Link to alias

With there being on back and on side tags, it seems intuitive that there'd be an on front tag. But there isn't - it's on stomach instead.

I'm sure there are good reasons why the tag is as it is, but I keep typing on_front instead of on_stomach and having to go back and correct myself, and I'm sure I can't be the only one.

EDIT: This tag alias has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The tag alias on_front -> on_stomach has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Chiera said:

This tag does not even exist

Did you read what I posted?

and the wording seems really unintuitive.

On the contrary, it's so intuitive that I've typed it out dozens upon dozens of times. What's "really unintuitive" about the idea that the companion tag for "on back" and "on side" would be "on front"? The counterintuitive thing is knowing about the first two and finding nothing when typing in on_front - because on stomach doesn't come up anywhere except briefly as the fifth option down when you have "on_"

Talking about lying on your front is normal English as well.

kuuderes_shadow said:

Did you read what I posted?

There simply is no need to create an alias when the tag has a postcount of 0.
Don't know how you've gotten this habit, but tags should have a minimum threshold of 50.

Chiera said:

There simply is no need to create an alias when the tag has a postcount of 0.
Don't know how you've gotten this habit, but tags should have a minimum threshold of 50.

So you'd rather I'd left all my mistags over the years just so that this alias could be justified?

That prone is a good example of exactly what I'm trying to do here - create an alias from a common way of expressing exactly what the tag is for to the tag itself. There are tons of these aliases on the site, and I'd be willing to bet that the overwhelming majority of them never had a lot of uses.

What's so difficult about all this?

That the threshold is 50.
There is apparantly no need for this website to create this tag alias since the tag you want to get aliased doesn't exist here :P.
Besides, I don't consider this intuitive at all and Google also doesn't return on stomach images.

Chiera said:

Besides, I don't consider this intuitive at all and Google also doesn't return on stomach images.

Google doesn't return images for "on front" because that's not the exact terminology you'd use in English to describe what we are using it for in exactly the same way that google image results for "on side" (overwhelmingly of tattoos, with a few car crashes mixed in) are not what we use it for.

On the other hand, google returns 102m results for "lying on front" against 32m for "lying on stomach" which would be covered by what we use the "on stomach" tag for - the lying_on_stomach tag is aliased to on_stomach*, after all. And, as a native English speaker, I'd be far more likely to use "lying on front" than "lying on stomach", and google's image results of both are pretty much the same.

And the reason that the tag doesn't exist is because I've deleted it many, many times - and created it many times as well. Hence my earlier question - after all, it seems your main objection to this wouldn't have stood if I hadn't fixed the tags.

*and I'd be willing to bet that that one never had a significant number of tag uses.

I think it's better to request an alias right away, before cleaning up the tags because I don't know what you've done.
If the tags keeps getting populated again then I have no objections against the alias.

But the tag, to the best of my knowledge, has never reached 50 uses at any one time. Meaning that I'd have had to deliberately leave it alone and not do tag gardening in order to wait for it to accumulate the 50 posts.

Anyway, from the help:tag aliases page:

Tag aliases are used to fix a "canonical" version of a tag's name. This feature is used in a few different scenarios:

Variant spellings, especially for character names: kyuubey → kyubey.
Synonyms: chapel → church.
Abbreviations for long tag names: gits → ghost_in_the_shell. Frequently, these shortcuts are prefixed with a slash: /lav → looking_at_viewer.
Artists that have changed their preferred names.

The bolded one is the one proposed here.

Note also that shortcuts, mentioned specifically there, would certainly never have had uses before the alias in question went ahead. Honestly, the whole min tag thing makes no sense whatsoever for aliases (indeed is actively counterproductive), unlike with implications. Thankfully to the best of my knowledge it has never been insisted on in situations, like this, where an alias proposal makes sense anyway.

Uhm, I don't know if that wiki might be outdated, though.
I see your point, yes, but as far as I know a tags necessarily needs a relevant tag count.

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