
[Houseki no Kuni] Phosphophyllite

Posted under Tags

As someone who updates the Houseki no Kuni tag frequently I've been wondering about this, and it's been slightly bothering me. This also has SPOILER implications so if you're aren't caught up with the manga I suggest you stop reading.

Phosphophyllite loses her head and receives Lapis Lazuli's head. The "person" behind it is still largely Phosphophyllite. If you're a fan of the original Lapis Lazuli, whose personality is distinct from Phos, most of what you'll see in the tag are images of neoPhos, you can recognize her by either of these things 1) short hair, 2) ponytail, 3) golden arms, 4) white outfit.

This should be the content of the actual Lapis Lazuli tag.

Conclusion: new tag for Phos's new form, Phosphophyllite_(Lapis_Lazuli). From now on neoPhos images get tagged with Phosphophyllite + Phosphophyllite_(Lapis_Lazuli) instead of Phosphophyllite + Lapis_Lazuli_(Houseki_no_Kuni)

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