
Bleach's zanpakutō tags = weapon and personification?

Posted under Tags

Should we use zanpakutō tags (like zangetsu and sode_no_shirayuki) just for the personifications or for the weapons too?

To elaborate:

In Bleach, the zanpakutō are weapons who are technically live beings who can communicate with their owners, but they can also show up as personifications.

In post #434713, the sword taller than Konata is Zangetsu.
In post #230033, this guy is Zangetsu too.
In post #1166723, the white sword is Sode no Shirayuki.
In post #1045022, both the girl and the white sword are different forms of Sode no Shirayuki.

The two Zangetsu posts above are tagged zangetsu and the two Sode no Shirayuki posts above are tagged sode_no_shirayuki.

If you ask me, I think it's a good idea to use the same tags for both forms, weapons and personifications. We have personification and weapon to distinguish them. But the tags are underpopulated, so I'd like to help populate them.

For example, I would add sode_no_shirayuki in post #1918070 because it has the sword.

If there are enough posts of the same personification, you could try giving it its own tag as associated with its primary artist.

tapnek said:

If there are enough posts of the same personification, you could try giving it its own tag as associated with its primary artist.

Thanks for the idea. But you see, in the manga/anime itself, the personifications appear. It's not something invented by the fan artists. Maybe should we have separate tags like zangetsu_(weapon) and zangetsu_(spirit)? I would be fine with using just zangetsu + weapon or personification as said above.

Currently we seem to have these zanpakutō, taken from list_of_bleach_characters. I believe all of them are currently defined as character tags.

Normal ones


Nimaiya's (mostly unused tags)


Filler arc

I've been thinking... Actually, these character tags are mostly filled with the characters (personifications/spirits) instead of the weapons.

Maybe object tags like zangetsu_(object) would be more useful for the swords/weapons themselves. May I create object tags like this and populate them?

Hillside_Moose said:

zangetsu_(sword) would be better. Honestly, that's the only specific Bleach sword tag we ought to have, since the series is over and Ichigo's weapon is the iconic one.

I had thought of zangetsu_(sword), but not all zanpakutō are swords. In post #3023916, the finger needle thing is the zanpakutō named Suzumebachi.

So we could have zangetsu_(object) and suzumebachi_(object) for consistency. As opposed to zangetsu_(sword) and... suzumebachi_(needle)?

If it's OK, I'd like to tag the zanpakutō objects since they all have such varied forms. They may be wielded by their owner, or by their spirit/personification, or by someone else (post #521486, post #144379) and it would be interesting to see posts where the owner has or doesn't have their zanpakutō. At least, that's my opinion.

It would also hopefully discourage people from using character zanpakutō tags inconsistently... Sometimes the weapons are tagged, sometimes they're not tagged. The current zanpakutō tags are character tags, which may seem confusing when they are used for tagging the weapons.

I added both the owner and the zanpakutō tags in the aforementioned post #3023916, but I regret it and would like to change it, since there are two character tags and only one person visible in the image.


- I populated the zanpakutō tags as listed below.
- I didn't create the wikis yet, in case they still need to be discussed and/or changed.
- For consistency, I added (shikai) and (bankai) at the end of all these tags, even the ones whose spirit forms never appeared in the anime/manga. I kept the zanpakutō spirits as character tags with no identifiers. Compare: zabimaru, zabimaru_(shikai), hihiou_zabimaru_(bankai). (In theory, if an artist creates a fanart with a personification of say, Sakanade, we could create a new character tag Sakanade.)
- For consistency, I removed all uses of a character tag when in fact only the normal zanpakutō (a sword or weapon) appears. (for example, post #729520 used to be tagged zabimaru which is a character; I removed that tag and added hihiou_zabimaru_(bankai))

I believe these tags are completely populated:

I still need to populate some zanpakutō tags. For example, I didn't add houzukimaru (shikai) in the list, because it seems to be still not completely populated.

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