
[APPROVED] Tag Update Request [Senran Kagura]

Posted under Tags

remove implication senran_kagura -> senran_kagura_(series)
mass update senran_kagura -> senran_kagura_shoujo-tachi_no_shinei
create implication senran_kagura_shoujo-tachi_no_shinei -> senran_kagura_(series)

Link to request

the tag search senran_kagura_(series) senran_kagura is cluttered with images confusing senran_kagura for the series tag, which isn't that surprising since there has never been a game called simply "senran kagura". this change is apparently necessary and long overdue.

Edit: Request updated, thank you to BrokenEagle98 and nonamethanks for the assistance.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1670 (forum #146809) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Yeah, the above BUR will fail because you have to remove the aliases first. The problem is that order isn't guaranteed.

  • 1. So that create alias could end up creating an implication that points to itself, which isn't allowed and would fail.
  • 2. That create alias could be processed first, then the mass update could happen, in which case all of the *_(series) tagged posts would be tagged with senran_kagura_shoujo-tachi_no_shinei
  • 3. Also, the mass update is wrong, as it has a space in the first tag.
  • 4. Additionally, there's no need to remove the senran_kagura tag in that mass update as the implication would just add it on anyways.

So the order you want to do them in is...

unimply senran_kagura -> senran_kagura_(series)
update senran_kagura -> senran_kagura senran_kagura_shoujo-tachi_no_shinei
imply senran_kagura_shoujo-tachi_no_shinei -> senran_kagura
alias senran_kagura_(series) -> senran_kagura

Typo and ordering error noted, but I'm having a hard time parsing your correction.

1. I put the alias last to avoid that. Does this need to be a separate thread entirely?
2. This seems the same as 1?
3. Noted.
4. Since I'm swapping the tags here, I thought this would avoid the tag implicating itself. If that's unnecessary, okay, but then why is it still in the correction?

Rampardos said:


Perhaps you didn't read the second sentence in that first paragraph where I said that "order isn't guaranteed".

I did, but the way you broke up what is apparently a regular paragraph into listed items made the post difficult to read. Would appreciate feedback on the rest of my reply, also.

Basically requests are not processed in the order you write them in, so to avoid the server from ruining everything you have to separate them manually to avoid potential misfirings. That was Eagle's point. You don't have to create a new thread, you can post the second part of the request in this topic using the bulk update request, but yes, it has to be two separate requests.

Yeah that point I understood, how to go about correcting it was what was confusing. Thanks for explaining the alias part. Still unsure what "no need to remove the senran_kagura tag" refers to, or if unimplying senran_kagura and senran_kagura_(series) was the right thing to do.

Rampardos said:
Still unsure what "no need to remove the senran_kagura tag" refers to

"mass update senran_kagura -> senran_kagura_shoujo-tachi_no_shinei" means that the first tag will be changed to the second, or rather, the first will be removed and the second added, which is pointless since the rest of the request will readd it.

BTW I just noticed that you wrote "update senran kagura" in the requests, with a space in the middle. That will obviously fail.

The typo was immediately addressed.

Anyway, if I understand correctly, that was just yet another point saying the alias request needs to be separate. Seems way simpler than it was made out to be. Also, I guess I should just assume the implication requests are fine.

this issue still needs to be addressed in some form. would appreciate any additional feedback to fix what is a very simple and entirely preventable problem.

create alias senran_kagura_(series) -> senran_kagura

Link to request

the unqualified tag is now unused

EDIT: The tag alias senran_kagura_(series) -> senran_kagura has conflicting wiki pages. senran_kagura should be updated to include information from senran_kagura_(series) if necessary.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1688 (forum #147361) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

EDIT: The tag alias senran_kagura_(series) -> senran_kagura has conflicting wiki pages. senran_kagura should be updated to include information from senran_kagura_(series) if necessary.

Updated by DanbooruBot

so we can agree it's not backwards.

#1 just went through, and that is the #2 request. as discussed earlier in the thread, the alias had to be separate, and so it is.

(series) was always the main tag, but it wasn't being used properly because of the existence of the more natural choice, "senran_kagura" without a qualifier. however, that tag was already being used for the original game. the proposed solution was to fix this by swapping those two, replacing the old senran_kagura with a more accurate name, and allowing senran_kagura to be used the way people are naturally inclined to do so. that's not semantics, it's function.

so if anyone else missed the OP of this one-page thread, there it is again.

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