
Tag cleanup attempt #2

Posted under General

Log said:
post #178251

edit: In seriousness I would have to manually go through everything checking both sites if we stick according to the comprimise I suggested, though.

In all honesty, she isn't that good looking, and the image quality is not very good. I might agree with the "keep cosplay" thing if I was shown an OUTSTANDING image. And even then, I'm sure that image would already be on a dedicated cosplay site somewhere on the internet.

Only one of those that is really "exceptional" is the Aya Kiguchi Birdy cosplay. Which is on an entirely different level than 99% of all cosplay out there.

Log said:
Some of the better ones, everything's loading like shit or I would try and find a truly exceptional example:
post #345300
post #385671
post #384669
post #291862
post #328757

You said it yourself in that Tifa cosplay.

Log said:
...you could have checked 3dbooru, you know.

What I'm trying to say is, the better the cosplay, the higher chance that the image will be on a site dedicated to cosplay. Same with the images of random naked women. If they are exceptionally beautiful or something, they would be on 3dbooru for sure. And vice versa; if the cosplay is horrible and/or the model is ugly, neither danbooru or 3dbooru would want it.

edit: oh sure edit your original post.

I did say it myself, but that's because that particular photo had been up on 3db for over a year, hence my suggestion for compromise. If we go through with the compromise and what remains is garbage, we can nuke it all but to nuke it all without consideration for what 3db doesn't have would be rather dumb.

edit: Oh hell let's just do it this way anyhow, rather than just one massive purge, purge cosplay photos as they're checked with 3db references, then let us check what's left and purge it all if it's garbage.

edit 2: there is a 3db iqdb now so it's not as huge an undertaking as it seems. just run it through and mark the result as the delete reason. http://3dbooru.iqdb.hanyuu.net/


I don't see the reason for not having cosplay here, they're on topic (anime/manga related etc) and like any other image still has to go through quality control. Just because it'll take a lot effort to clean out the older images shouldn't be a reason to nuke the whole field though.

Just as an example, since I do recall complaints on having the absurd sized images. There are dedicated sites for such image, but you wouldn't see very many people here supporting that we should delete all our highres/absurdres images because such dedicated sites exist. So using that there are dedicated sites seems like a lame excuse imo. Though if you're going to go down that road, then you might as well remove all the loli and shota images. I'm sure there are dedicated sites for them and not having them here would just make life that much easier, wouldn't it?

Anyways, whatever is decided in the end I'll go with without complaint.

NWF_Renim said:
Just as an example, since I do recall complaints on having the absurd sized images. There are dedicated sites for such image, but you wouldn't see very many people here supporting that we should delete all our highres/absurdres images because such dedicated sites exist. So using that there are dedicated sites seems like a lame excuse imo. Though if you're going to go down that road, then you might as well remove all the loli and shota images. I'm sure there are dedicated sites for them and not having them here would just make life that much easier, wouldn't it?

Anyways, whatever is decided in the end I'll go with without complaint.

I think you're taking my "dedicated website" argument out of context here. Absurd res images, loli, and shota can very well be on topic. Cosplay can be slightly on topic I suppose, however, most cosplay images are not drawn. I think the main focus here is to get rid of images that are not drawn(?). At least that is my idea of danbooru.

^^^actually out of 4k cosplay images less than 1k are photos.

The only real argument for getting rid of the cosplay photos I can think of (besides the rather dumb, "this site should be for drawn images only") is the cosplay tag count on 3db:

cosplay 25235

If we get rid of all photos the site gets dangerously close to aspie pixiv, but that's just an opinion.

I beg to differ.

cosplay photo vs cosplay parody

Log said:
(besides the rather dumb, "this site should be for drawn images only")

As for this, I guess the we need more input from other users. I have always believed danbooru to be primarily for drawn images. If I am the minority in believing that, then by all means keep 3d images.


homeless_homo said:
I beg to differ.

cosplay photo vs cosplay parody

It is only tagged cosplay parody if the character is both cosplaying and in a situation from another show. cosplay photo is 1000 images. cosplay alone is 4000 images. I'm not a rocket scientist but 4000-1000=3000. Yes I am 100% certain that every single cosplay photo is tagged cosplay and photo.

As for danbooru being "primarily" for drawn images, 1000 out of 340000 does not take away from this.

That was my mistake. I should have used cosplay -photo.

Anyway, I think the point of clearing out photos and ugly drawn images is not only to keep danbooru focused on (what I believe to be) drawn artwork, but to also deter uploaders from giving excuses as to why they can upload shitty images themselves.

Now, I am in no way vouching to nuke all photos off of danbooru. I believe that was Fencedude who brought that up. I just want to keep the amount of off topic images to a minimum.

Again that goes back to what the majority of users believe to be "on topic" for danbooru. We need more opinions, and hopefully we'll get more as users wake up tomorrow.

I'm done here for tonight. I shall return tomorrow to see if any progress has been made.

Mentally inadequate uploaders' habits should never dictate policy. If a post is good, keep it. Isn't that simple enough?

homeless_homo said:
I suggest a thread that works the same as forum #12247, but where users bring up images that should be deleted instead of revived.

This is the best suggestion in this thread so far.

homeless_homo said:
Anyway, I think the point of clearing out photos and ugly drawn images is not only to keep danbooru focused on (what I believe to be) drawn artwork, but to also deter uploaders from giving excuses as to why they can upload shitty images themselves.

Which just goes to show how pointless and arbitrary it would be to delete photos. The shitty uploads are *never* photos; what few photos we have tend to be reasonably good (even albert's old porn) and mostly relevant (all the cosplay and "otaku culture" stuff). If the problem is stemming the flow of crappy uploads, it's clearly the drawings that need to be purged.

LaC said:
The shitty uploads are *never* photos;

You obviously haven't seen some of the crap I've deleted recently.

I personally find cosplay photos to be on topic, as are figure photos and photos of anything anime/manga-related. It's just a matter of quality, like anything else. If it's shit, throw it out. If it's good, hoard it like a little packrat.

Anyways, while you all talk about this I'm going to do a sweep of the toon and poorly drawn tags as well as the Non-anime pool and remove what I think is misplaced. I'll post a list of any removed posts here for debate purposes since I know not everyone agrees with me.

Back, although I didn't finish going through the non-anime pool. My attention span is only so big. Here's the verdict:

post #396848 - bad feet, but the rest of the picture looks fine.
post #390219 - does not look poorly drawn to me.
post #384041 - we talked about this once. Probably an MSPaint edit and still a candidate for purging, but the original artwork itself is not poorly drawn.
post #291994 - changed from poorly drawn to bad feet since the rest of the image is good.
post #242694
post #133108
post #131329

Tagged appropriately, but I think should be exempt from the purge:
post #334347
post #326026
post #49116
post #324758 - only a few pictures in that GOD FUCKING ENORMOUS wall of Cirno are poorly drawn.
post #9834 - this....this is just too damn hilarious.

I'd also like to bring attention to users r0d3n7z and nanami, who seem to have recently uploaded alot of QUALITY work. Specifically, nanami's nanashi noiji uploads look very bad to me. Take a look for yourselves, this artist draws with squiggly lines and very few works look decent viewed full-size.

Kayako said:
I'd also like to bring attention to users r0d3n7z and nanami, who seem to have recently uploaded alot of QUALITY work. Specifically, nanami's nanashi noiji uploads look very bad to me. Take a look for yourselves, this artist draws with squiggly lines and very few works look decent viewed full-size.

OK, I just upload the nanashi noiji pics because they look good to me. But if you think the Nanashi Noiji ones do look bad to you, then go ahead; you can delete them. I just found them at GazouBBS, where I got most of my uploads.

Also, I apologize if you think some my uploads are, to some of you, QUALITY work. 葉月 told me about it some time ago and I promised to him that I'll be more careful this time. (In fact, I'm now more selective when it comes to uploads lately.)
