
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

忍猫 said:

When I was uploading post #3425082 the artist's name didn't come up as a translated tag, and it doesn't come up after it was uploaded either.

I got this error message both times: undefined method `to_h' for # Did you mean? to_s

That's "normal" when uploading from Pawoo. You have to manually add the artist tag yourself (assuming you know who the artist is beforehand).

inkuJerr said:

That's "normal" when uploading from Pawoo. You have to manually add the artist tag yourself (assuming you know who the artist is beforehand).

Oh okay, thanks I didn't know that. Maybe the text in the error message should be changed to something less cryptic.

忍猫 said:

I tried to create a new artist entry for gardavwar and the error message comes up:

Error: Name conflicts with a wiki page

That's because it has a wiki page, you need to move the wiki before you can make an artist tag on the same name.

A few weeks ago, I translated post #3405590. In panel 2, I included a link to this site. I just discovered today that clicking the linked text comes right back to the Danbooru post itself. Opening the note reveals that the URL I pasted in is still there, but mousing over the text brings up the URL for the post's page. Is there a reason for this?

Moonspeaker said:

A few weeks ago, I translated post #3405590. In panel 2, I included a link to this site. I just discovered today that clicking the linked text comes right back to the Danbooru post itself. Opening the note reveals that the URL I pasted in is still there, but mousing over the text brings up the URL for the post's page. Is there a reason for this?

I remember seeing that a week or so ago and checked if there were any easy fix but couldn't find anything, it does the same to me.

Moonspeaker said:

A few weeks ago, I translated post #3405590. In panel 2, I included a link to this site. I just discovered today that clicking the linked text comes right back to the Danbooru post itself. Opening the note reveals that the URL I pasted in is still there, but mousing over the text brings up the URL for the post's page. Is there a reason for this?

Fixed. The quotation mark in front of the URI was actually two single quotes. If you copy the text from the note history into a text editor with a monospace font, it’ll be immediately obvious. You basically created an empty link (that leads to the site you’re on) with some trailing garbage that gets ignored by all compliant browsers.

youko_(tactics) is listed as a gen tag instead of a char tag.

Unbreakable said:

That's because it has a wiki page, you need to move the wiki before you can make an artist tag on the same name.

Thanks for the answer, where else would it go since the wiki can't be renamed?

忍猫 said:

Thanks for the answer, where else would it go since the wiki can't be renamed?

You need a builder to move it for you, I went ahead and did it for you.

kittey said:

Fixed. The quotation mark in front of the URI was actually two single quotes. If you copy the text from the note history into a text editor with a monospace font, it’ll be immediately obvious. You basically created an empty link (that leads to the site you’re on) with some trailing garbage that gets ignored by all compliant browsers.

Thanks. Not sure how I managed to type two single quotes instead of one double, but that would explain it.

Tried to upload post #3428078 using the Upload page and the image's direct link but for some reason danbooru grabbed post #3428074 which is a censored revision instead. Does danbooru just straight up grab the latest version off pixiv while completely ignoring what's actually linked?

Ars said:

Tried to upload post #3428078 using the Upload page and the image's direct link but for some reason danbooru grabbed post #3428074 which is a censored revision instead. Does danbooru just straight up grab the latest version off pixiv while completely ignoring what's actually linked?

Yes, Danbooru does't actually look at the link. It parses it, grabs the post ID, queries that, and then downloads the image from that. If you want to upload an image that is no longer available from the post, you have to download it manually and upload it from disk.

In post #3452479, the half-width characters in the artist commentary are fetched as full-width. (Not sure if this is because of the fetcher or because of twitter's API)

Edit: also, full-width english like post #3452483 is fetched as normal english

Half-width and full-width characters are intentionally normalized to avoid various issues. One is that they break searches. Searching commentaries for e.g. "touhou" won't find "touhou", or vice versa.

Another is that they can break translated tags when they're used in hashtags. "#touhou" is not the same thing as "#touhou".

Finally, they can cause trouble with DText, especially with links. Fullwidth punctuation can get incorrectly included in the link. For example: "have you seen http://site.com?" versus "have you seen http://site.com?".

Could red text and strikethrough be used when the group name of an artist is updated? Both the group name and the URLs on this page have text removed but only the URL column shows the strikethrough text.

Lacrimosa said:

Can someone confirm that the bookmarklet with deviantArt links is borked?

Not working for me either.

I went to check the artist out and saw that it's already fixed, I'm sorry for all the trouble. I still need to learn how to do some things eficiently.
